

   ld.so, ld-linux.so* - dynamic linker/loader


   The  dynamic  linker  can  be  run  either  indirectly  by running some
   dynamically linked program or shared object (in which case no  command-
   line  options to the dynamic linker can be passed and, in the ELF case,
   the dynamic linker which is  stored  in  the  .interp  section  of  the
   program is executed) or directly by running:

   /lib/ld-linux.so.*  [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS]]


   The  programs  ld.so  and ld-linux.so* find and load the shared objects
   (shared libraries) needed by a program, prepare the program to run, and
   then run it.

   Linux binaries require dynamic linking (linking at run time) unless the
   -static option was given to ld(1) during compilation.

   The program ld.so handles a.out binaries, a format used long  ago;  ld-
   linux.so* (/lib/ld-linux.so.1 for libc5, /lib/ld-linux.so.2 for glibc2)
   handles ELF, which everybody has been using for years now.   Otherwise,
   both  have  the  same  behavior,  and  use  the  same support files and
   programs ldd(1), ldconfig(8), and /etc/ld.so.conf.

   When resolving shared object dependencies,  the  dynamic  linker  first
   inspects each dependency string to see if it contains a slash (this can
   occur if a shared object pathname containing slashes was  specified  at
   link  time).   If  a  slash  is  found,  then  the dependency string is
   interpreted as a (relative or absolute) pathname, and the shared object
   is loaded using that pathname.

   If  a  shared  object  dependency  does not contain a slash, then it is
   searched for in the following order:

   o  Using the directories specified  in  the  DT_RPATH  dynamic  section
      attribute of the binary if present and DT_RUNPATH attribute does not
      exist.  Use of DT_RPATH is deprecated.

   o  Using  the  environment   variable   LD_LIBRARY_PATH   (unless   the
      executable  is  being  run in secure-execution mode; see below).  in
      which case it is ignored.

   o  Using the directories specified in the  DT_RUNPATH  dynamic  section
      attribute of the binary if present.

   o  From the cache file /etc/ld.so.cache, which contains a compiled list
      of candidate  shared  objects  previously  found  in  the  augmented
      library  path.   If,  however,  the  binary  was  linked with the -z
      nodeflib linker option, shared objects  in  the  default  paths  are
      skipped.    Shared   objects   installed   in   hardware  capability
      directories (see below) are preferred to other shared objects.

   o  In the default path  /lib,  and  then  /usr/lib.   (On  some  64-bit
      architectures,  the  default  paths  for  64-bit  shared objects are
      /lib64, and then /usr/lib64.)  If the binary was linked with the  -z
      nodeflib linker option, this step is skipped.

   Rpath token expansion
   ld.so  understands  certain strings in an rpath specification (DT_RPATH
   or DT_RUNPATH); those strings are substituted as follows

   $ORIGIN (or equivalently ${ORIGIN})
          This expands to the directory containing the program  or  shared
          object.   Thus,  an  application located in somedir/app could be
          compiled with

              gcc -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../lib'

          so that it finds an associated shared object in  somedir/lib  no
          matter  where  somedir  is  located  in the directory hierarchy.
          This facilitates the creation of "turn-key" applications that do
          not  need  to  be  installed  into  special directories, but can
          instead be unpacked into any directory and still find their  own
          shared objects.

   $LIB (or equivalently ${LIB})
          This  expands  to  lib  or  lib64  depending on the architecture
          (e.g., on x86-64, it expands to lib64 and on x86-32, it  expands
          to lib).

   $PLATFORM (or equivalently ${PLATFORM})
          This  expands to a string corresponding to the processor type of
          the host system (e.g., "x86_64").  On  some  architectures,  the
          Linux  kernel  doesn't  provide a platform string to the dynamic
          linker.  The value of this string is taken from the  AT_PLATFORM
          value in the auxiliary vector (see getauxval(3)).


   --list List all dependencies and how they are resolved.

          Verify  that  program  is  dynamically  linked  and this dynamic
          linker can handle it.

          Do not use /etc/ld.so.cache.

   --library-path path
          Use path instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable setting
          (see   below).    The   names  ORIGIN,  LIB,  and  PLATFORM  are
          interpreted as for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

   --inhibit-rpath list
          Ignore RPATH and RUNPATH information in object  names  in  list.
          This  option  is  ignored  when running in secure-execution mode
          (see below).

   --audit list
          Use objects named in list as auditors.


   Various environment variables influence the operation  of  the  dynamic

   Secure-execution mode
   For  security  reasons,  the  effects of some environment variables are
   voided or modified if the dynamic linker  determines  that  the  binary
   should  be run in secure-execution mode.  This determination is made by
   checking whether the AT_SECURE  entry  in  the  auxiliary  vector  (see
   getauxval(3)) has a nonzero value.  This entry may have a nonzero value
   for various reasons, including:

   *  The process's real and effective user IDs differ, or  the  real  and
      effective  group  IDs  differ.  This typically occurs as a result of
      executing a set-user-ID or set-group-ID program.

   *  A process with a non-root user ID executed a binary  that  conferred
      permitted or effective capabilities.

   *  A nonzero value may have been set by a Linux Security Module.

   Environment variables
   Among the more important environment variables are the following:

   LD_ASSUME_KERNEL (since glibc 2.2.3)
          Each  shared object can inform the dynamic linker of the minimum
          kernel ABI version  that  it  requires.   (This  requirement  is
          encoded  in  an ELF note section that is viewable via readelf -n
          as a section labeled NT_GNU_ABI_TAG.)  At run time, the  dynamic
          linker determines the ABI version of the running kernel and will
          reject loading shared objects that specify minimum ABI  versions
          that exceed that ABI version.

          LD_ASSUME_KERNEL  can  be  used  to  cause the dynamic linker to
          assume that it is running on a system with  a  different  kernel
          ABI version.  For example, the following command line causes the
          dynamic linker to assume it  is  running  on  Linux  2.2.5  when
          loading the shared objects required by myprog:

              $ LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 ./myprog

          On systems that provide multiple versions of a shared object (in
          different directories in the search path)  that  have  different
          minimum kernel ABI version requirements, LD_ASSUME_KERNEL can be
          used to select the version of the object that is used (dependent
          on  the  directory search order).  Historically, the most common
          use of the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL feature was to manually  select  the
          older  LinuxThreads POSIX threads implementation on systems that
          provided both LinuxThreads and NPTL (which latter was  typically
          the default on such systems); see pthreads(7).

   LD_BIND_NOW (since glibc 2.1.1)
          If  set  to  a  nonempty  string,  causes  the dynamic linker to
          resolve all symbols at  program  startup  instead  of  deferring
          function  call  resolution  to  the  point  when  they are first
          referenced.  This is useful when using a debugger.

          A list of directories in which to search for  ELF  libraries  at
          execution-time.   The  items in the list are separated by either
          colons or semicolons.  Similar to the PATH environment variable.
          This variable is ignored in secure-execution mode.

          Within  the  pathnames specified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the dynamic
          linker expands the strings $ORIGIN, $LIB, and $PLATFORM (or  the
          versions using curly braces around the names) as described above
          in Rpath token expansion.   Thus,  for  example,  the  following
          would  cause  a  library to be searched for in either the lib or
          lib64 subdirectory below the directory containing the program to
          be executed:

              $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$ORIGIN/$LIB' prog

          (Note  the  use  of  single  quotes,  which prevent expansion of
          ORIGIN and LIB as shell variables!)

          A list of additional, user-specified, ELF shared objects  to  be
          loaded  before  all  others.   The  items  of  the  list  can be
          separated by spaces or colons.  This can be used to  selectively
          override  functions  in  other  shared objects.  The objects are
          searched for  using  the  rules  given  under  DESCRIPTION.   In
          secure-execution  mode, preload pathnames containing slashes are
          ignored,  and  only  shared  objects  in  the  standard   search
          directories  that  have  the  set-user-ID  mode  bit enabled are

          Within the pathnames specified in LD_PRELOAD, the dynamic linker
          understands  the  strings  $ORIGIN,  $LIB, and $PLATFORM (or the
          versions using curly braces around the names) as described above
          in Rpath token expansion.

          If  set  (to  any value), causes the program to list its dynamic
          dependencies, as if run by ldd(1), instead of running normally.

   Then there are lots of more or less obscure variables, many obsolete or
   only for internal use.

   LD_AUDIT (since glibc 2.4)
          A  colon-separated list of user-specified, ELF shared objects to
          be loaded before all  others  in  a  separate  linker  namespace
          (i.e., one that does not intrude upon the normal symbol bindings
          that would occur in the process).  These objects can be used  to
          audit  the operation of the dynamic linker.  LD_AUDIT is ignored
          in secure-execution mode.

          The dynamic linker will notify the audit shared objects  at  so-
          called  auditing  checkpoints—for  example, loading a new shared
          object, resolving a symbol, or calling  a  symbol  from  another
          shared  object—by  calling  an  appropriate  function within the
          audit shared  object.   For  details,  see  rtld-audit(7).   The
          auditing  interface  is largely compatible with that provided on
          Solaris, as described in its Linker and Libraries Guide, in  the
          chapter Runtime Linker Auditing Interface.

   LD_BIND_NOT (since glibc 2.1.95)
          If this environment variable is set to a nonempty string, do not
          update the GOT (global offset table) and PLT (procedure  linkage
          table) after resolving a symbol.

   LD_DEBUG (since glibc 2.1)
          Output  verbose  debugging information about the dynamic linker.
          If set to all, print all  debugging  information,  Setting  this
          variable  to  help  does  not  run  the  specified  program, and
          displays a help message about which categories can be  specified
          in this environment variable.  The categories are:

          bindings    Display  information  about  which  definition  each
                      symbol is bound to.

          files       Display progress for input file.

          libs        Display library search paths.

          reloc       Display relocation processing.

          scopes      Display scope information.

          statistics  Display relocation statistics.

          symbols     Display search paths for each symbol look-up.

          unused      Determine unused DSOs.

          versions    Display version dependencies.

          The value in LD_DEBUG can specify multiple categories, separated
          by colons, commas, or (if the value is quoted) spaces.

          Since glibc 2.3.4, LD_DEBUG is ignored in secure-execution mode,
          unless the file /etc/suid-debug exists (the content of the  file
          is irrelevant).

   LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT (since glibc 2.1)
          File in which LD_DEBUG output should be written.  The default is
          standard error.  LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT is ignored in  secure-execution

   LD_DYNAMIC_WEAK (since glibc 2.1.91)
          If  this environment variable is defined (with any value), allow
          weak symbols to be overridden (reverting to old glibc behavior).
          Since   glibc  2.3.4,  LD_DYNAMIC_WEAK  is  ignored  in  secure-
          execution mode.

   LD_HWCAP_MASK (since glibc 2.1)
          Mask for hardware capabilities.

   LD_ORIGIN_PATH (since glibc 2.1)
          Path where the binary is found.  Since glibc 2.4, LD_ORIGIN_PATH
          is ignored in secure-execution mode.

   LD_POINTER_GUARD (glibc from 2.4 to 2.22)
          Set  to  0 to disable pointer guarding.  Any other value enables
          pointer guarding, which is also the default.   Pointer  guarding
          is  a security mechanism whereby some pointers to code stored in
          writable program memory (return addresses saved by setjmp(3)  or
          function  pointers  used by various glibc internals) are mangled
          semi-randomly to make it  more  difficult  for  an  attacker  to
          hijack  the pointers for use in the event of a buffer overrun or
          stack-smashing attack.  Since glibc 2.23,  LD_POINTER_GUARD  can
          no  longer  be  used  to  disable pointer guarding, which is now
          always enabled.

   LD_PROFILE (since glibc 2.1)
          The name of a (single) shared object to be  profiled,  specified
          either  as a pathname or a soname.  Profiling output is appended
          to        the        file         whose         name         is:

   LD_PROFILE_OUTPUT (since glibc 2.1)
          Directory  where  LD_PROFILE  output should be written.  If this
          variable is not defined, or is defined as an empty string,  then
          the  default  is  /var/tmp.   LD_PROFILE_OUTPUT  is  ignored  in
          secure-execution mode; instead /var/profile is always used.

   LD_SHOW_AUXV (since glibc 2.1)
          If this environment variable is defined (with any  value),  show
          the  auxiliary  array  passed  up  from  the  kernel  (see  also
          getauxval(3)).  Since glibc 2.3.5, LD_SHOW_AUXV  is  ignored  in
          secure-execution mode.

   LD_TRACE_PRELINKING (since glibc 2.4)
          If  this environment variable is defined (with any value), trace
          prelinking  of  the  object  whose  name  is  assigned  to  this
          environment  variable.  (Use ldd(1) to get a list of the objects
          that might be traced.)  If the object name  is  not  recognized,
          then all prelinking activity is traced.

   LD_USE_LOAD_BIAS (since glibc 2.3.3)
          By  default (i.e., if this variable is not defined), executables
          and prelinked shared objects will honor base addresses of  their
          dependent shared objects and (nonprelinked) position-independent
          executables (PIEs) and other shared objects will not honor them.
          If   LD_USE_LOAD_BIAS   is   defined  with  the  value  1,  both
          executables  and  PIEs  will  honor  the  base  addresses.    If
          LD_USE_LOAD_BIAS   is   defined   with   the  value  0,  neither
          executables nor  PIEs  will  honor  the  base  addresses.   This
          variable is ignored in secure-execution mode.

   LD_VERBOSE (since glibc 2.1)
          If   set   to   a  nonempty  string,  output  symbol  versioning
          information about the  program  if  the  LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS
          environment variable has been set.

   LD_WARN (since glibc 2.1.3)
          If set to a nonempty string, warn about unresolved symbols.

   LD_PREFER_MAP_32BIT_EXEC (x86-64 only; since glibc 2.23)
          According  to  the Intel Silvermont software optimization guide,
          for 64-bit applications, branch prediction  performance  can  be
          negatively impacted when the target of a branch is more than 4GB
          away from the branch.  If this environment variable is  set  (to
          any  value),  ld.so will first try to map executable pages using
          the mmap(2) MAP_32BIT flag, and fall  back  to  mapping  without
          that  flag if that attempt fails.  NB: MAP_32BIT will map to the
          low 2GB (not 4GB)  of  the  address  space.   Because  MAP_32BIT
          reduces  the  address  range  available for address space layout
          randomization   (ASLR),   LD_PREFER_MAP_32BIT_EXEC   is   always
          disabled in secure-execution mode.


          a.out dynamic linker/loader
          ELF dynamic linker/loader
          File  containing  a  compiled  list  of  directories in which to
          search for shared objects  and  an  ordered  list  of  candidate
          shared objects.
          File  containing  a  whitespace-separated  list  of  ELF  shared
          objects to be loaded before the program.
          shared objects


   Hardware capabilities
   Some shared objects are compiled using  hardware-specific  instructions
   which  do  not exist on every CPU.  Such objects should be installed in
   directories whose names define the required hardware capabilities, such
   as /usr/lib/sse2/.  The dynamic linker checks these directories against
   the hardware of the machine and selects the most suitable version of  a
   given  shared  object.  Hardware capability directories can be cascaded
   to combine CPU features.  The list  of  supported  hardware  capability
   names   depends   on  the  CPU.   The  following  names  are  currently

   Alpha  ev4, ev5, ev56, ev6, ev67

   MIPS   loongson2e, loongson2f, octeon, octeon2

          4xxmac,  altivec,  arch_2_05,  arch_2_06,  booke,  cellbe,  dfp,
          efpdouble,  efpsingle,  fpu,  ic_snoop, mmu, notb, pa6t, power4,
          power5,  power5+,  power6x,  ppc32,  ppc601,  ppc64,  smt,  spe,
          ucache, vsx

   SPARC  flush, muldiv, stbar, swap, ultra3, v9, v9v, v9v2

   s390   dfp,  eimm,  esan3,  etf3enh,  g5,  highgprs, hpage, ldisp, msa,
          stfle, z900, z990, z9-109, z10, zarch

   x86 (32-bit only)
          acpi, apic, clflush, cmov, cx8, dts, fxsr, ht, i386, i486, i586,
          i686,  mca,  mmx,  mtrr, pat, pbe, pge, pn, pse36, sep, ss, sse,
          sse2, tm


   ld(1),   ldd(1),   pldd(1),    sprof(1),    dlopen(3),    getauxval(3),
   capabilities(7), rtld-audit(7), ldconfig(8), sln(8)


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at


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