

   actsync, actsyncd - synchronize newsgroups


   actsync [-b hostid] [-d hostid] [-g max] [-i ignore_file]
           [-I hostid] [-k] [-l hostid] [-m] [-n name]
           [-o fmt] [-p min_%_unchg] [-q hostid] [-s size]
           [-s spool_dir] [-t hostid] [-T] [-v verbose_lvl]
           [-z sec] [host1] host2

   actsyncd [-x] actsync.cfg [debug_level [debug_outfmt] ]


   Actsync(8)  permits  one to synchronize, compare or merge two active(5)
   files.  With this utility one may add, change or remove  newsgroups  on
   the  local  news  server  to make it similar to the list the newsgroups
   found on another system or  file.   The  synchronization  need  not  be
   exact.   Local  differences  in  newsgroup  lists may be maintained and
   preserved.  Certain newsgroup errors may  be  detected  and  optionally

   There  are  several  reasons  to  run actsync(8) (or actsyncd(8)), on a
   periodic basis.  Among the reasons are:

        A control message to add, change or remove a newsgroup may fail to
        reach your site.

        Your control.ctl(5) is out of date or incomplete.

        News  articles  for  a  new newsgroup arrive ahead (sometimes days
        ahead) of the control message.

        Control messages may be forged, thus  bypassing  the  restrictions
        found in control.ctl(5).

        Your active(5) file may have been trashed.

   If  either  host1  or  host2  begin  with  a ``.''  or ``/'', then they
   assumed to be a name of a file containing information in the  active(5)
   format.   The  getlist(1)  utility  may be used to obtain copy a remote
   system's active file.  Newsgroup information from a file may be treated
   as  if  it  was obtained from a host.  In this man page host1 and host2
   are called hosts, even though they may be file names.

   If a host argument does not begin with ``.''  or ``/'', is  assumed  to
   be  a  hostname  or  Internet  address.   In this case, actsync(8) will
   attempt to use the NNTP protocol to obtain a copy of the the  specified
   system's active file.

   Regardless  how the active file information is obtained, the actions of
   actsync(8) remain the same.

   If only one host is specified, it is assumed to be host2.  If host1, is
   not  specified,  it  assumed  to  be  the  default local NNTP server as
   specified by the NNTPSERVER environment  variable,  or  by  the  server
   value found in inn.conf(5).

   The newsgroup synchronization by default, involves all newsgroups found
   on both hosts.  One may also synchronize on a subset of  newsgroups  by
   directing actsync(8) to ignore certain newsgroups from both systems.

   The actsyncd(8) daemon provides a convenient interface to configure and
   run actsync(8).  If a host is not initially reachable, the daemon  will
   thrice  retry  3 times, waiting 5 minutes before each set of 3 retries.
   This daemon runs in the foreground, sending output to  standard  output
   and standard error.

   If  the  -x  flag  is given to actsyncd(8), then a ctlinndxexec will be
   used instead of a ctlinndreload to load the newly modified active file.

   The configuration filename for the daemon is given in  the  actsync.cfg
   argument.  The actsync.cfg file is required to have 4 lines:

        flags=actsyncd (8) options

   The  keyword  must start at the beginning of the line, and there may be
   no whitespace before the ``='' character.   Blank  lines  are  ignored.
   Comments start with ``#'' and are ignored.  All other lines may produce
   undefined results.

   The host config file line refers to the host2 value  to  sync  off  of.
   The spool config file lines determines where top the news spool tree is
   to be found.  The ignore_file config file line names the ignore file to
   be  used by actsync(8).  The flags config file line refers to all flags
   that you wish to pass to actsync(8).

   Note that the -i ignore_file option, the -o format option  and  the  -S
   spool_dir  option  should  not be given in the flags= line because they
   are automatically taken care of by actsyncd(8).


   The options to actsync(8) are as follows:

   -b hostid
          This  flag  causes  actsync(8)   to   ignore   newsgroups   with
          ``bork.bork.bork''  style names.  That is, newsgroups whose last
          3  components  are  identical.   For  example,   the   following
          newsgroups have bork style names:


          The  value  hostid  determines  on  which  hosts  this action is

               0    neither host
               1    local default server
               2    remove server
               12   both servers
               21   both servers

          The default is -b 0, no bork newsgroups are ignored.

   -d hostid
          This flag causes actsync(8) to ignore newsgroups that  have  all
          numeric  path  components.   The hostid value is interpreted the
          same as in -b.   For  example,  the  following  newsgroups  have
          numeric path components:


          The  newsgroups  directory  of  a  newsgroups with a all numeric
          component could conflict with an  article  from  another  group.
          For  example, the directory for the first newsgroup listed above
          is the same path as article number 23209 from the newsgroup:


          The default is -d 0, all numeric newsgroups from both hosts will
          be processed.

   -g max Ignore any newsgroup with more than max levels.  For example, -g
          6 would ignore:


          but would not ignore:


          If max is 0, then the max level feature is disabled.

          By default, the max level feature is disabled.

   -i ignore_file
          The ignore_file allows one to have a fine degree of control over
          which  newsgroups  are ignored.  It contains a set of rules that
          specifies which newsgroups will be checked  and  which  will  be

          By  default,  these  rules  apply  to  both  hosts.  This can be
          modified by using the -I hostid flag.

          By default, all newsgroups are checked.  If  no  ignore_file  if
          specified,  or  if  the  ignore file contains no rule lines, all
          newsgroups will be checked.

          Blank lines, and text after a ``#'' are considered comments  and
          are ignored.

          Rule  lines  consist  of  tokens  separated by whitespace.  Rule
          lines may be one of two forms:

               c    newsgroup [type ...]
               i    newsgroup [type ...]

          If the rule begins with a  c  then  the  rule  requests  certain
          newsgroups to be checked.  If the rule begins with an i then the
          rule requests certain newsgroups to be ignored.   The  newsgroup
          field may be a specific newsgroup, or a wildmat(3) pattern.

          If one or more types are specified, then the rule applies to the
          newsgroup only if is of the specified type.  Types refer to  the
          4th field of the active(5) file.  A type may be one of:


          Unlike active files, the may be a newsgroup name or a
          wildmat(3) pattern.  Also, ``='' is equivalent to ``=*''.

          For given rule line may, one may  not  repeat  a  given  pattern
          type.   For  example,  one  may not have more than one type that
          begins with ``='', per  line.   However,  one  may  achieve  the
          effect  of multiple ``='' types by using multiple rule lines for
          the same group.

          By default, all newsgroups are candidates to be checked.  If  an
          ignore  file  is used, each newsgroup in turn is checked against
          the ignore file.  If multiple lines match a given newsgroup, the
          last line in the ignore file is used.

          For example, consider the following ignore file lines:

               i *.general
               c *.general m
               i nsa.general

          The  newsgroup:  ba.general  would  be  ignored  if  it  was not
          moderated.  The newsgroup: mod.general would be  checked  if  it
          was moderated.  The newsgroup: nsa.general would be ignored even
          if it was moderated.

   -I hostid
          This flag restricts which hosts, the ignore file  applies.   The
          hostid value is interpreted the same as in -b.

          This  flag  may  be useful in conjustion with the -m merge flag.
          For example:

               actsync -i actsync.ign -I 2 -m host1 host2

          will keep all newsgroups currently on host1.  It will also  will
          only  compare  host1  groups  with  non-ignored  newsgroups from

          The default is -I 12, newsgroups from both hosts to  be  ignored
          per the -I  hostid flag.

   -k     By  default,  any  newsgroup  on  host1 that is in error will be
          considered for removal.  This causes  actsync(8)  simply  ignore
          such newsgroups.  This flag, in combination with -m will prevent
          any newsgroup from being scheduled for removal.

   -l hostid
          Flag problem newsgroups of type ``='' from  host1  or  host2  as
          errors.   The  hostid  value  is  interpreted the same as in -b.
          Newsgroups of type ``='' are newsgroups active entries that have
          4th  field  that  begins  with ``=''.  I.e., a newsgroup that is
          equivalent to another newsgroup.

          A newsgroup that is equivalent  to  itself,  or  that  is  in  a
          equivalence  chain  that loops around to itself is a problem.  A
          newsgroup that is in a chain that is longer than 16 is a problem
          group.   A  newsgroup  that  is  equivalent  to  a  non-existent
          newsgroup is a problem.  A newsgroup that  is  equivalent  to  a
          newsgroup  that is has a error of some kind a problem.  However,
          a newsgroup that is equivalent to an ignored newsgroup is not  a

          By  default,  problem  newsgroups  from both hosts are marked as

   -m     Merge newsgroups instead of sync.  By default,  if  a  newsgroup
          exists  on  host1  but  not  host2,  it  will be scheduled to be
          removed.  This flag disables this process, permitting newsgroups
          unique to host1 to be kept.

   -n  name
          Newsgroups  that  are  created,  are  created via the ctlinnd(8)
          command.  By default, the creator name used  is  actsync.   This
          flag changes the creator name to name.

   -o  fmt
          Determine  the  output / action format of this utility.  The fmt
          may one of:

               a    output in active(5) format,
               a1   output in active(5) format,
                        and output host1 non-error ignored groups
               ak   output in active(5) format, but use host2
                        hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values
                        for any newsgroup being created
               aK   output in active(5) format, but use host2
                        hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values
                        for all newsgroups found in host2
               a1k  output in active(5) format, but use host2
                        hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values
                        for any newsgroup being created,
                    and output host1 non-error ignored groups
               a1K  output in active(5) format, but use host2
                        hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values
                        for all newsgroups found in host2,
                    and output host1 non-error ignored groups
               ak1  same as a1k
               aK1  same as a1K
               c    output in ctlinnd(8) format
               x    no output, directly exec ctlinnd(8) commands
               xi   no output, directly exec ctlinnd(8) commands,
                        in an interactive mode

          The a, a1, ak, aK, a1k, a1K, ak1 and aK1 style formats allow one
          to  form  a  new  active  file  instead  of producing ctlinnd(8)
          commands.  They use hi & low values of 0000000000 and 0000000001
          respectively  for  newsgroups  that  are created.  The ak and aK
          variants change the the hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields).   In
          the  case  of  ak, newsgroups created take their hi & low values
          from host2.  In the case of aK, all newsgroups  found  on  host2
          take their hi & low values from host2.

          The c format produces ctlinnd(8) commands.  No actions are taken
          because actsync(8) simply prints ctlinnd(8) commands on standard
          output.    The   sync  (or  merge  if  -m)  with  host2  may  be
          accomplished by piping  this  output  into  sh(1).   A  paranoid
          person  might  prefer to use x or xi in case a newsgroup name or
          type contains bogus characters  that  might  be  interpreted  by
          sh(1).  Even so, this output format is useful to let you see how
          host1 may be synced (or merge) with host2.

          The sync (or merge if -m) may be accomplished directly by use of
          the  x.   With  this format, actsync(8) uses the execl(2) system
          call to directly executes ctlinnd(8) commands.  Because  of  the
          exec,  there  is  no  risk  of bogus newsgroups containing bogus
          characters causing a shell to do bogus  (or  dangerous)  things.
          The  output  of such execs may be seen of the verbosity level is
          at least 2.

          The actsync(8) utility will pause  for  4  seconds  before  each
          command  is  executed  if -o x is selected.  See the -z sec flag

          The xi format interactively prompts on standard output and reads
          directives  on  standard input.  One may pick and choose changes
          using this format.

          Care should be taken when producing active(5) formatted  output.
          One  should  check to be sure that actsync(8) exited with a zero
          status prior to using such output.  Also one should realize that
          such output will not contain lines ignored by the -i ignore_file
          process even if -p 100 is used.

          By default, -o c is assumed.

   -p min_%_unchg
          By  default,  the  actsync(8)  utility  has  safeguards  against
          performing  massive  changes.  If fewer than min_%_unchg percent
          of the non-ignored lines from host1 remain unchanged, no actions
          (output,  execution,  etc.)   are performed and actsync(8) exits
          with a non-zero exit status.  The min_%_unchg may be a  floating
          point value such as 66.666.

          A  change  is  considered  a  host1 line that was found to be in
          error, was removed, was added or was changed.  Changing the  2nd
          or  3rd  active  fields  via  -oak  or  -o aK are not considered
          changes by -p.

          To force actsync(8) to accept any amount of change, use the -p 0
          option.   To  force actsync(8) to reject any changes, use the -p
          100 option.

          Care should be taken when producing active(5) formatted  output.
          One  should  check to be sure that actsync(8) exited with a zero
          status prior to using such output.  Also one should realize that
          such output will not contain lines ignored by the -i ignore_file
          process even if -p 100 is used.

          By default, 96% of the  lines  not  ignored  in  host1  must  be
          unchanged.  That is, by default, -p 90 is assumed.

   -q hostid
          By  default,  all  newsgroup  errors  are  reported  on standard
          errors.  This flag quiets  errors  from  host1  or  host2.   The
          hostid value is interpreted the same as in -b.

   -s size
          If  size>0,  then ignore newsgroups with names longer than size,
          and ignore newsgroups equivalenced to names  longer  than  size.
          Length checking is perform on both the local and remote hosts.

          By default, size is 0 and thus no length checking is performed.

   -S spool_dir
          For  each  new  newsgroup  (i.e., selected groups found on host2
          that were not found on  host),  the  newsgroup  directory  under
          spool_dir will be examined.  If this newsgroup directory exists,
          then the hi & low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values of the active
          entry will be changed to reflect the range articles found.

          This flag is only useful with -o a, -o a1, -o ak, -o aK, -o alk,
          -o alK, -o ak1 or -o aK1.  The -S spool_dir will override any hi
          &  low (2nd & 3rd active fields) values that would normally have
          been used.  This is  an  important  and  very  much  recommended
          option   as   it  will  prevent  article  number  collisions  on
          newsgroups that  have  been  removed  previous  but  still  have
          unexpired articles in them.

   -t hostid
          Ignore  improper newsgroups with only a top component from host1
          or host2.  The hostid value is interpreted the same  as  in  -b.
          The  following  newsgroups  are considered proper newsgroups for
          top only names:


          For example, the following newsgroup names are improper  because
          they only contain a top level component:


          By  default,  all  improper  top  level only newsgroups from the
          remote ( -t 2 ) are ignored.

   -T     This flag causes host2 newsgroups from  new  hierarchies  to  be
          ignored.    Normally   if   only   host2   has   the   newsgroup
 then it will be created for host1.   However  if
          host1  does  not have any 'chongo.*' newsgroups and this flag is
          given, then will be  ignored  and  will  not  be
          created on host1.

   -v verbose_lvl
          No  default,  actsync(8) is not verbose.  This flag controls the
          verbosity level as follows:

               0    no debug or status reports (default)
               1    print summary,
                        if work was needed or done
               2    print actions, exec output & summary,
                        if work was needed or done
               3    print actions, exec output & summary
               4    full debug output

   -z sec If -o x is selected,  actsync(8)  will  pause  for  sec  seconds
          before  each  command  is  executed.  This helps prevent innd(8)
          from being busyed-out if a large number of  ctlinnd(8)  commands
          are needed.  One can disable this sleeping by using -z 0.

          By  default,  actsync(8)  will  pause  for 4 seconds before each
          command is executed if -o x is selected.


   Determine the difference  (but  don't  change  anything)  between  your
   newsgroup set and uunet's set:


   Same as above, with full debug and progress reports:

        actsync -v 4

   Force a site to have the same newsgroups some other site:

        actsync -o x master

   This  may  be  useful  to  sync  a slave site to its master, or to sync
   internal site to a gateway.

   Compare your site with uunet, disregarding  local  groups  and  certain
   local differences with uunet.  Produce a report if any differences were

        actsync -v 2 -i actsync.ign

   where actsync.ign contains:

        # Don't compare to.* groups as they will differ.
        i    to.*

        # These are our local groups that nobody else
        # (should) carry.  So ignore them for the sake
        # of the compare.
        i    nsa.*

        # These groups are local favorites, so keep them
        # even if uunet does not carry them.
        i    ca.dump.bob.dorman
        i    ca.keep.bob.dorman
        i    alt.sounds.*   =alt.binaries.sounds.*

   To interactively sync against, using the same ignore file:

        actsync -o xi -v 2 -i actsync.ign

   Based on newsgroups that you decided to keep, one could make changes to
   the actsync.ign file:

        # Don't compare to.* groups as they will differ.
        i    to.*

        # These are our local groups that nobody else
        # (should) carry.  So ignore them for the sake
        # of the compare.
        i    nsa.*

        # These groups are local favorites, so keep them
        # even if uunet does not carry them.
        i    ca.dump.bob.dorman
        i    alt.sounds.*   =alt.binaries.sounds.*

        # Don't sync test groups, except for ones that are
        # moderated or that are under the gnu hierarchy.
        i    *.test
        c    *.test    m    # check moderated test groups
        c    gnu.*.test
        c    gnu.test  # just in case it ever exists

   Automatic  processing  may  be setup by using the following actsync.cfg

        # host to sync off of (host2)

        # location of the ignore file

        # where nwes articles are kept

        # actsync(8) flags
        # Automatic execs, report if something was done,
        #    otherwise don't say anything, don't report
        #    uunet active file problems, just ignore
        #    the effect entries.
        flags=-o x -v 2 -q 2

   and then by running:

        actsyncd /usr/local/news/actsync.cfg

   One may produce a trial actsyncd(8) run without  changing  anything  on
   the server by supplying the debug_level arg:

        actsyncd /usr/local/news/actsync.cfg 2

   The  debug_level  causes  actsyncd(8)  to  run  actsync(8)  with  an -v
   debug_level (overriding any -v flag on the flags  line),  prevents  any
   changes from being made to the active(5) file, writes a new active file
   to standard output and writes debug messages to standard error.

   If the debug_outfmt arg is also given  to  actsyncd(8)  then  the  data
   written  to  standard output will be in -o fBdebug_outfmt instead of in
   -o a1 format.  The following /bin/sh command:

        actsyncd /usr/local/news/actsync.cfg 4 c >cmd 2>dbg

   Will operate in debug  mode,  not  change  the  active(5)  file,  write
   ctlinnd(8) style commands to cmd and write debug statements to dbg.

   To  check  only  the  major  hierarchies  against  news.uu,net, use the
   following actsync.ign file:

        # by default, ignore everything
        i *

        # check the major groups
        c    comp.*
        c    gnu.*
        c    sci.*
        c    alt.*
        c    misc.*
        c    news.*
        c    rec.*
        c    soc.*
        c    talk.*

   and running:

        actsync -i actsync.ign

   To determine the differences between your old active and  your  current
   default server:

        actsync /usr/local/news/active.old -

   To  report  but  not fix any newsgroup problems with the current active

        actsync - -

   To detect any newsgroup errors on your local server, and to remove  any
   *.bork.bork.bork style silly newsgroup names:

        actsync -b 2 - -

   The active file produced by:

        actsync ... flags ... -o x

   or by:

        actsync ... flags ... -o c | sh

   is effectively the same as the active file produced by:

        ctlinnd pause 'running actsync'
        rm -f
        actsync ... flags ... -o a1 >
        rm -f active.old
        ln active active.old
        mv active
        ctlinnd reload active 'running actsync'
        ctlinnd go 'running actsync'

   It should be noted that the above 'pause', 'actsync', 'reload' and 'go'
   method is faster.  However, in order to avoid article number collisions
   on  newsgroups that have been removed previous but still have unexpired
   articles in them, it is very much recommended that the -S spool_dir  be
   used with any of the -oa* flags.  Thus, a much better and safer version
   of the above would be:

        ctlinnd pause 'running actsync'
        rm -f
        actsync ... flags ... -o a1 -S /var/spool/news >
        rm -f active.old
        ln active active.old
        mv active
        ctlinnd reload active 'running actsync'
        ctlinnd go 'running actsync'

   The above process is similar to what actsyncd(8) does by default.


   Careless use of this tool may result in the addition change or  removal
   of newsgroups that you don't want.  You should avoid using the x output
   format until you are sure it will do what you want.

   A number of innd(8) servers will corrupt the active file when  lots  of
   newgroups and rmgroups are performed.  This is not a actsync(8) bug, it
   is a server bug.  Using the pause, actsync, reload and go method  noted
   above is much more likely to avoid this problem.


   If a newsgroup appears multiple times, actsync(8) will treat all copies
   as errors.  However, if the group  is  marked  for  removal,  only  one
   rmgroup will be issued.

   The timeout for ctlinnd(8) commands is fixed at 30 seconds when running
   in ``x'' or ``xi'' output format.  Perhaps the timeout value should  be
   controlled via a command line option?




   Written by Landon Curt Noll <> for InterNetNews.



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