warnquota.conf - configuration for warnquota
The warnquota.conf file stores a configuration for warnquota(8) tool which is used to notify a user or a group who exceeds its disk quota limits. The syntax is an option name followed by an equal sign and the option value. White space characters surrounding the option names and values are allowed. Empty lines or lines starting with a hash sign or a semicolon are ignored. An option value can but does not have to be quoted. The value can span across multiple lines provided each previous line ends with a backslash. Some option values can contain formatting sequences which will be expanded to their respective values. Following sequences are recognized: %d domain name %h host name %i, %s user or group name %% literal % character | new-line character
CC_BEFORE Send to copy-carbon address only when a user has less than specified grace time left. Value is a number followed by a time unit. Known units are seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Example: 5 days CC_TO An e-mail address to put into copy-carbon (CC:) recipient header. Default value is root. CHARSET Defines character set for sent e-mails. Default value will be current locale character set used when executing warnquota command, if locale is not either C or POSIX. Otherwise no character set will be specified in the e-mails. FROM Defines From: e-email address. Default value is support@localhost. GROUP_MESSAGE A text sent as an e-mail body if a group exceeds its limits. This option recognizes formatting sequences. GROUP_SIGNATURE A signature text appended to notification for a group. Default value is a general explanation utilizing SUPPORT and PHONE values. This option recognizes formatting sequences. LDAP_BASEDN Base distinguished name for LDAP queries. LDAP_BINDDN Bind distinguished name for LDAP queries. LDAP_BINDPW Bind password for LDAP queries. LDAP_DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN Default e-mail address domain of searched user if given LDAP attribute does not specify any. LDAP_HOST LDAP server name to connect to if LDAP_URI is not defined. LDAP_MAIL A boolean controlling if LDAP has to be used to look up user's e-mail address. Possible values are true and false. Default value is false. LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE The LDAP attribute which holds user's e-mail address. LDAP_PORT LDAP server port number to connect to if LDAP_URI is not defined. LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE The LDAP attribute which holds user's ID to look up. LDAP_URI The URL of LDAP server to use to search user's e- mail addresses. This option takes preference over LDAP_HOST and LDAP_PORT. Example: ldaps://example.com:389/ MESSAGE A beginning of text sent as an e-mail body if a user exceeds his limits. This option recognizes formatting sequences. MAIL_CMD The command to execute to send an e-mail. The e- mail text including all headers is passed to the standard input of the command. Default value is /usr/lib/sendmail -t. MAILDEV The device with disk quotas to exclude from sending notifications if there are exceeded limits. This option should identify the device where mail boxes are stored to prevent from bouncing the warnquota notification by local MDA due to no space for storing new e-mails. Special value any denotes all devices. PHONE The telephone contact to the user support. Default value is (xxx) xxx-xxxx or (yyy) yyy-yyyy. SIGNATURE The end of e-mail body if a user exceeds its limits. Default value is a general explanation utilizing SUPPORT and PHONE values. This option recognizes formatting sequences. SUBJECT The text to put into Subject: header. Default value is Disk Quota usage on system. SUPPORT The contact to the user support. Default value is support@localhost.
# comment FROM = [email protected] SUPPORT = [email protected] PHONE = 1234
/etc/warnquota.conf configuration for warnquota(8)
warnquota(8). WARNQUOTA.CONF(5)
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