

   sockd.route - Route file for multi-homed SOCKS proxy server




   The  file /etc/sockd.route is used by the SOCKS server program sockd to
   determine which of its network interfaces it  should  use  to  reach  a
   given  destination host. It is needed only if your SOCKS server host is
   multi-homed and your version of sockd supports  RBIND.   A  multi-homed
   host  is  a  host  with  more  than one network interfaces and with its
   IP_FORWARDING turned off. Only the multi-homed version of sockd can  be
   run  on  such  hosts.   You  can find out the version of your sockd (or
   rsockd) by command

   sockd -ver


   rsockd -ver

   A line in the file can be up to 1024 characters  long.  Lines  starting
   with a `#' are comments. Non-comment lines must be of the form

   if_addr        dst_addr  dst_mask

   All  three  fields  are  required  and are separated by spaces or tabs.
   Each filed is specified in the usual dotted form of IP addresses, e.g.,   if_addr  must  be  the  IP address of one of the network
   interfaces on the SOCKS server host.  dst_addr specifies either the  IP
   address  of  a  host,  a network, or a subnet in the usual dotted form,
   e.g.,, or  a  domain  name,  e.g.,  dst_mask
   specifies  mask  for the IP address used in dst_addr.  Bits in dst_mask
   that are set to 0 indicate the  bit  positions  to  be  ignored  during
   comparison  of IP addresses. So, specifying in dst_mask
   demands an exact match  with  dst_addr,  whereas  in  dst_mask
   causes a matching with any given destination address regardless of what
   is specified for dst_addr. If a domain name is used for  dst_addr,  the
   contents  of  dst_mask  are  ignored,  though it must still be supplied
   (simply use  If the domain name  starts  with  a  period,  it
   specifies  a  zone  and  matches  all  domain  names  within that zone,
   otherwise it matches only the domain name itself. For example,
   matches  only  xyz.comP,  while macthes not only, but
   also and, among others.  The  special
   symbol  ALL  (which  must be entirely in uppercase) matches everything.
   Domain names are otherwise case-insentive.

   When using a domain name in dst_addr,  you  have  be  very  careful  in
   maintaining   your   DNS   setup.   See  the  last  few  paragraphs  in

   When a multi-homed sockd receives a network request,  it  first  checks
   with  /etc/sockd.fc  (or /etc/sockd.conf) to decide whether the request
   should be allowed or denied.  For  an  allowable  request,  sockd  then
   checks  the  given  destination  IP  address or domain name against the
   dst_addr dst_mask pair in /etc/sockd.route, one line at a line. Once  a
   match  is  found,  the  network  interface of the corresponding if_addr
   field is used for connection to the destination host.  Remaining  lines
   in  the  file are skipped. Therefore the order of the lines in the file
   is of extreme importance. If no match is found throughout the  file,  a
   line indicating the error is produced using syslog with facility daemon
   and level err and the request is ignored.

   You have the option  of  using  the  frozen  route  file  /etc/
   instead   of   /etc/sockd.route.   The   frosen  file  is  produced  by
   make_sockdfr and is essentially the memory image of  the  parsed  route
   file.  Using it can reduce the start-up delay of the SOCKS server since
   it eliminate the need for parsing. Since the SOCKS server always  looks
   for /etc/ first, be sure that you always run make_sockdfr every
   time after you modifify /etc/sockd.route.


   Suppose you have a dual-homed host with interface  connecting
   to  your  internal  Class  B  network  129.1, and interface
   connecting to the outside world. If you only use the  SOCKS  server  to
   provide  connections  to  outside hosts, then the file /etc/sockd.route
   only needs one line:

   If you also use the SOCKS server  to  provide  connection  to  internal
   hosts as well, then two lines would suffice:

   Note that these two lines must be in the order given above.

   If you prefer using domain name instead, the lines should be

   assuming that is your domain.


   dump_sockdfr(8), make_sockdfr(8), sockd(8),

                              May 6, 1996                   SOCKD.ROUTE(5)


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