

     smtpd.conf --- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol daemon configuration file


     smtpd.conf is the configuration file for the mail daemon smtpd(8).

     The current line can be extended over multiple lines using a backslash
     ('\').  Comments can be put anywhere in the file using a hash mark ('#'),
     and extend to the end of the current line.  Care should be taken when
     commenting out multi-line text: the comment is effective until the end of
     the entire block.

     Argument names not beginning with a letter, digit, or underscore must be
     quoted.  Arguments containing whitespace should be surrounded by double
     quotes (").

     Macros can be defined that will later be expanded in context.  Macro
     names must start with a letter, digit, or underscore, and may contain any
     of those characters.  Macro names may not be reserved words (for example
     listen, accept, port).  Macros are not expanded inside quotes.

     For example:

       lan_addr = ""
       listen on $lan_addr
       listen on $lan_addr tls auth

     Additional configuration files can be included with the include keyword,
     for example:

       include "/etc/smtpd.conf.local"

     The syntax of smtpd.conf is described below.

     accept | reject
         smtpd(8) accepts and rejects messages based on information
         gathered during the SMTP session.

         For each message processed by the daemon, the rules are evaluated
         in sequential order, from first to last.  The first matching rule
         decides what action is taken.  If no rule matches the message,
         the default action is to reject the message.  An exclamation mark
         may be specified to perform a reverse match.

         Following the accept/reject decision comes the optional tag

         tagged [!] tag
                 If specified, the rule will only be matched if the client
                 session was tagged with tag.

         After that the client's IP address rule is specified:

         from any
                 Make the rule match regardless of the IP of connecting

         from [!] local
                 The rule matches only locally originating connections.
                 This is the default, and may be omitted.

         from [!] source <table>
                 The rule matches if the connection is made from a client
                 whose address is declared in the table table.

         In addition, finer access control may be achieved on the sender
         if desired:

         sender [!] <senders>
                 If specified, the rule will only be matched if the sender
                 email address is found in the table senders.  The table
                 may contain complete email addresses or apply to an
                 entire domain if prefixed with '@'.

         Next comes the selection based on the domain the message is sent

         for any [alias <aliases>]
                 Make the rule match regardless of the domain it is sent
                 to.  If specified, the table aliases is used for looking
                 up alternative destinations for all addresses.

         for any virtual <vmap>
                 Make the rule match regardless of the domain it is sent
                 to.  The vmap table will be used as the virtual domain

         for [!] domain domain [alias <aliases>]
                 This rule applies to mail destined for the specified
                 domain.  This parameter supports the '*' wildcard, so
                 that a single rule for all sub-domains can be used, for

                       accept for domain "*" deliver to mbox

                 If specified, the table aliases is used for looking up
                 alternative destinations for addresses in this domain.

         for [!] domain <domains> [alias <aliases>]
                 This rule applies to mail destined to domains which are
                 part of the table domains.

                 If specified, the table aliases is used for looking up
                 alternative destinations for addresses in these domains.

         for [!] domain domain virtual <users>
                 This rule applies to mail destined for the specified
                 virtual domain.  This parameter supports the '*'
                 wildcard, so that a single rule for all sub-domains can
                 be used, for example:

                       accept for domain "*" \
                              virtual <users> deliver to mbox

                 The table users holds a key-value mapping of virtual to
                 system users.  For an example of how to configure the
                 users table, see table(5).

         for [!] domain <domains> virtual <users>
                 This rule applies to mail destined for the virtual
                 domains specified in the table domains.

                 The table users holds a key-value mapping of virtual to
                 system users.  For an example of how to configure the
                 users table, see table(5).

         for [!] local [alias <aliases>]
                 This rule applies to mail destined to "localhost" and to
                 the default server name.  See the FILES entry for
                 /etc/mailname below for details of how the server name is

         for [!] local virtual <vmap>
                 This rule applies to mail destined to "localhost" and to
                 the default server name.  The vmap table will be used as
                 the virtual domain mapping.

         Further access control may be achieved on specific recipients if

         recipient [!] <recipients>
                 If specified, the rule will only be matched if the
                 recipient email address is found in the table recipients.
                 The table may contain complete email addresses or apply
                 to an entire domain if prefixed with '@'.

         If the method of delivery is local, a user database may be
         specified to override the system database:

         [userbase <table>]
                 Look up users in the table table instead of performing
                 system lookups using the getpwnam(3) function.

         You can also accept mail just to have it forwarded elsewhere:

                 Mail is accepted for local recipients ONLY if it is
                 redirected to an external address via an alias or a
                 ~/.forward file.


                       accept for domain forward-only

         Finally, the method of delivery is specified:

         deliver to lmtp [host:port | socket] [rcpt-to] [as user]
                 Mail is delivered to host:port, or to the UNIX socket
                 over LMTP with the privileges of the specified user.

                 Optionally, rcpt-to might be specified to use the
                 recipient email address (after expansion) instead of the
                 local user in the LMTP session as RCPT TO.

         deliver to maildir [path]
                 Mail is added to a maildir.  Its location, path, may
                 contain format specifiers that are expanded before use
                 (see FORMAT SPECIFIERS).  If path is not provided, then
                 ~/Maildir is assumed.

         deliver to mbox
                 Mail is delivered to the local user's system mailbox in

         deliver to mda program [as user]
                 Mail is piped to the specified program, which is run with
                 the privileges of the specified user or the user the
                 message is destined to.  This parameter may use
                 conversion specifiers that are expanded before use (see
                 FORMAT SPECIFIERS).

         relay [backup [mx]] [as address] [source <source>]
                 [hostname name] [hostnames <names>] [pki pkiname]
                 [tls [verify]]

                 Mail is relayed.  The routing decision is based on the
                 DNS system.

                 If the backup parameter is specified, the current server
                 will act as a backup server for the target domain.
                 Accepted mails are only relayed through servers with a
                 lower preference value in the MX record for the domain
                 than the one specified in mx.  If mx is not specified,
                 the default server name will be assumed.

                 If the as parameter is specified, smtpd(8) will rewrite
                 the sender advertised in the SMTP session.  address may
                 be a user, a domain prefixed with '@', or an email
                 address, causing smtpd(8) to rewrite the user-part, the
                 domain-part, or the entire address, respectively.

                 If the source parameter is specified, smtpd(8) will
                 explicitly bind to an address found in the table
                 referenced by source when connecting to the relay.  If
                 the table contains more than one address, they are picked
                 in turn each time a new connection is opened.

                 By default, when connecting to a remote server, smtpd(8)
                 advertises its default server name.  A hostname parameter
                 may be specified to advertise the alternate hostname
                 name.  If the source parameter is used, the hostnames
                 parameter may be specified to advertise a hostname based
                 on the source address.  Table names contains a mapping of
                 IP addresses to hostnames and smtpd(8) will automatically
                 select the name that matches its source address when
                 connected to the remote server.  The hostname and
                 hostnames parameters are mutually exclusive.

                 When relaying, STARTTLS is always attempted if available
                 on remote host and smtpd(8) will try to present a
                 certificate matching the outgoing hostname if one is
                 registered in the pki.  If pki is specified, the
                 certificate registered for pkiname is used instead.

                 If tls is specified, smtpd(8) will refuse to relay unless
                 the remote host provides STARTTLS.  If tls verify is
                 specified, smtpd(8) will refuse to relay unless the
                 remote host provides STARTTLS and the certificate it
                 presented has been verified.

                 Note that the tls and tls verify options should only be
                 used in private networks as they will prevent proper
                 relaying on the Internet.

         relay via host [auth <auth>] [as address] [source <source>]
                 [hostname name] [hostnames <names>] [pki pkiname]

                 Mail is relayed through the specified host expressed as a
                 URL.  For example:

                       smtp://          # use SMTP
                       smtp://     # use SMTP \
                                                       # with port 4321
                       lmtp://localhost:2026           # use LMTP \
                                                       # with port 2026

                 The communication channel may be secured using one of the
                 secure schemas.  For example:

                       tls://           # use TLS
                       smtps://         # use SMTPS
                       secure://        # try SMTPS and \
                                                       # fallback to TLS

                 In addition, credentials for authenticated relaying may
                 be provided when using a secure schema.  For example:

                       tls+auth://[email protected]     # over TLS
                       smtps+auth://[email protected]   # over SMTPS
                       secure+auth://[email protected]  # over either \
                                                           # SMTPS or TLS

                 If a pki entry exists for the outgoing hostname, or one
                 is provided with pkiname, the associated certificate will
                 be sent to the remote server.

                 If an SMTPAUTH session with host is desired, the auth
                 parameter is used to specify the auth table that holds
                 the credentials.  Credentials will be looked up using the
                 label provided in the URL.

                 If the as parameter is specified, smtpd(8) will rewrite
                 the sender advertised in the SMTP session.  address may
                 be a user, a domain prefixed with '@', or an email
                 address, causing smtpd(8) to rewrite the user-part, the
                 domain-part, or the entire address, respectively.

                 If the source parameter is specified, smtpd(8) will
                 explicitly bind to an address found in the table
                 referenced by <source> when connecting to the relay.  If
                 the table contains more than one address, they are picked
                 in turn each time a new connection is opened.

                 By default, when connecting to a remote server, smtpd(8)
                 advertises its default server name.  A hostname parameter
                 may be specified to advertise the alternate hostname
                 name.  If the source parameter is used, the hostnames
                 parameter may be specified to advertise a hostname based
                 on the source address.  Table names contains a mapping of
                 IP addresses to hostnames and smtpd(8) will automatically
                 select the name that matches its source address when
                 connected to the remote server.  The hostname and
                 hostnames parameters are mutually exclusive.

                 If verify is specified, smtpd(8) will refuse to relay
                 unless the remote host provides STARTTLS and the
                 certificate it presented has been verified.  The relay
                 URL must specify TLS for this option to be valid.

         Additional per-rule adjustments are available:

         expire n{s|m|h|d}
                 Specify how long a message that matched this rule can
                 stay in the queue.

     bounce-warn n{s|m|h|d}[, ...]
         Specify the delays for which temporary failure reports must be
         generated when messages are stuck in the queue.  For example:

               bounce-warn     1h, 6h, 2d

         will generate a failure report when an envelope is in the queue
         for more than one hour, six hours and two days.  The default is

     ca hostname certificate cafile
         Associate a custom CA certificate located in cafile with

     ciphers cipher-list
         Specify an alternate list of ciphers to use when establishing TLS
         sessions.  It is highly recommended to avoid making use of this
         option unless there is a good understanding of the implications.

         When not specified, only ciphers considered safe are chosen.

     expire n{s|m|h|d}
         Specify how long a message can stay in the queue.  The default
         value is 4d.  For example:

               expire 4d       # expire after 4 days
               expire 10h      # expire after 10 hours

     filter name filter [arguments]
         Specify a filter with the given name and the program filter using
         the given filter arguments.  Filters are used to hook into the
         SMTP dialog and provide additional filtering options for

     filter name chain filter ...
         Specify a filter chain with the given name and filters.

     limit session {max-rcpt | max-mails} num
         Instruct smtpd(8) to accept a maximum number of recipients or
         emails at once in the receiving queue.  Defaults are 100 for
         max-mails and 1000 for max-rcpt.

     limit mta [for domain domain] family
         Instruct smtpd(8) to only use the specified address family for
         outgoing connections.  Accepted values are inet4 and inet6.  If a
         domain is specified, the restriction only applies when connecting
         to MXs for this domain.

     limit scheduler max-inflight num
         Suspend the scheduling of envelopes for deliver/relay until the
         number of inflight envelopes falls below num.  Changing the
         default value might degrade performance.

     listen on socket [filter name] [mask-source] listen on interface [family]
         [port port] [filter name]
         [tls | tls-require | tls-require verify | smtps | secure]
         [pki pkiname] [ca caname] [auth | auth-optional [<authtable>]]
         [tag tag] [hostname hostname] [hostnames <names>]
         [senders <users> [masquerade]] [mask-source] [received-auth]

         Specify a socket or an interface to listen on for incoming
         connections.  The listen on socket directive is used to modify
         the behavior of the listener handling messages submitted through
         the local enqueuer, for example via the mail(1) utility.  This is
         an optional directive: if unspecified then smtpd(8) will simply
         listen for connections on the socket as if it was configured with
         no option.  Clients connecting through the socket will always be
         tagged with the 'local' tag.

         To listen on a specific network interface, specify an interface
         and an optional port.  An interface group, an IP address or a
         domain name may be used in place of interface.  The family
         parameter can be used to listen only on specific address family.
         Accepted values are inet4 and inet6.

         A filter may be specified to use a filter or filter chain with
         the given name on SMTP transactions.

         Secured connections are provided either using STARTTLS (tls), by
         default on port 25, or SMTPS (smtps), by default on port 465.
         tls-require may be used to force clients to establish a secure
         connection before being allowed to start an SMTP transaction.

         If tls-require verify is specified, the client must provide a
         valid certificate to be able to establish an SMTP session.

         secure may be specified to provide both STARTTLS and SMTPS
         services.  Host certificates may be used for these connections,
         and must be previously declared using the pki directive.  If pki
         is specified, a certificate matching name is searched for.
         Moreover, a previously declared ca directive may be specified to
         use a custom CA certificate.

         If the auth parameter is used, then a client may only start an
         SMTP transaction after a successful authentication.  Any remote
         sender that passed SMTPAUTH is treated as if it was the server's
         local user that was sending the mail.  This means that filter
         rules using from local will be matched.  If auth-optional is
         specified, then SMTPAUTH is not required to establish an SMTP
         transaction.  This is only useful to let a listener accept
         incoming mail from untrusted senders and outgoing mail from
         authenticated users in situations where it is not possible to
         listen on the submission port.

         Both auth and auth-optional accept an optional table as a
         parameter.  When provided, credentials are looked up in this
         table.  The credentials format is described in table(5).

         If the tag parameter is used, then clients connecting to the
         listener will be tagged tag.

         If the hostname parameter is used, then it will be used in the
         greeting banner instead of the default server name.

         The hostnames parameter overrides the server name for specific
         addresses.  Table names contains a mapping of IP addresses to
         hostnames and smtpd(8) will use the hostname that matches the
         address on which the connection arrives if it is found in the

         If the senders parameter is used, then smtpd(8) will look up a
         mapping of username to email addresses to see whether the
         authenticated user is allowed to submit mail as the sender that
         was provided in the SMTP session.  In addition, if the masquerade
         option is provided, the From header will be rewritten to match
         the sender provided in the SMTP session.

         If the mask-source parameter is used, then the listener will skip
         the from part when prepending the "Received" header.

         If the received-auth parameter is used, the "Received" header
         will display if the session was authenticated and by which local

         If the no-dsn parameter is used, DSN (Delivery Status
         Notification) extension will not be enabled.

     max-message-size n
         Specify a maximum message size of n bytes.  The argument may
         contain a multiplier, as documented in scan_scaled(3).  The
         default maximum message size is 35MB if none is specified.

     pki hostname certificate certfile
         Associate the certificate located in certfile with hostname.

         If a fallback certificate or SNI is wanted, the '*' wildcard may
         be used as hostname.

         A certificate chain may be created by appending one or many
         certificates, including a Certificate Authority certificate, to

         Creation of certificates is documented in starttls(8).

     pki hostname key keyfile
         Associate the key located in keyfile with hostname.

     pki hostname dhe params
         Specify the DHE parameters to use for DHE cipher suites with
         hostname.  Valid parameter values are none, legacy and auto.  For
         legacy a fixed key length of 1024 bits is used, whereas for auto
         the key length is determined automatically.  The default is none,
         which disables DHE cipher suites.

     queue compression
         Enable transparent compression of envelopes and messages.  The
         only supported algorithm at the moment is gzip.  Envelopes and
         messages may be inspected using the smtpctl(8) or gzcat(1)

     queue encryption [key key]
         Enable transparent encryption of envelopes and messages.  key
         must be a 16-byte random key in hexadecimal representation.  It
         can be obtained using the openssl(1) utility as follow:

               $ openssl rand -hex 16

         If the key parameter is not specified, it is read with getpass(3)
         at startup.  If key is stdin, then it is read from the standard
         input at startup.

         The only supported algorithm is AES-256 in GCM mode.  Envelopes
         and messages may be inspected using the smtpctl(8) utility.

         Queue encryption can be used with queue compression and will
         always perform compression before encryption.

     table name [type:]config
         Tables are used to provide additional configuration information
         for smtpd(8) in the form of lists or key-value mappings.  The
         format of the entries depends on what the table is used for.
         Refer to table(5) for the exhaustive documentation.

         The table is identified using table name name; the name itself is
         arbitrarily chosen.

         type specifies the table backend, and should be one of the

         db       Information is stored in a file created using
         file     Information is stored in a plain text file using the
                  same format as used to generate makemap(8) mappings.
                  This is the default.

         config specifies a configuration file for the table data.  It
         must be an absolute path to a file for the "file" and "db" table

     table name {value [, ...]}
         Tables containing list of static values may be declared using an
         inlined notation.

         The table is identified using table name name; the name itself is
         arbitrarily chosen.

         The table must contain at least one value and may declare many
         values as a list of comma-separated strings.

     table name {key=value [, ...]}
         Tables containing static key-value mappings may be declared using
         an inlined notation.

         The table is identified using table name name; the name itself is
         arbitrarily chosen.

         The table must contain at least one key-value mapping and may
         declare many mappings as a list of comma-separated key=value

     Some configuration directives support expansion of their parameters at
     runtime.  Such directives (for example deliver to maildir, deliver to
     mda) may use format specifiers which will be expanded before delivery or
     relaying.  The following formats are currently supported:

       %{sender}            sender email address
       %{sender.user}       user part of the sender email address
       %{sender.domain}     domain part of the sender email address
       %{rcpt}              recipient email address
       %{rcpt.user}         user part of the recipient email address
       %{rcpt.domain}       domain part of the recipient email address
       %{dest}              recipient email address after expansion
       %{dest.user}         user part after expansion
       %{dest.domain}       domain part after expansion
       %{user.username}     local user
       %{}    home directory of the local user

     Expansion formats also support partial expansion using the optional
     bracket notations with substring offset.  For example, with recipient
     domain "":

       %{rcpt.domain[0]}       expands to "e"
       %{rcpt.domain[1]}       expands to "x"
       %{rcpt.domain[8:]}      expands to "org"
       %{rcpt.domain[-3:]}     expands to "org"
       %{rcpt.domain[0:6]}     expands to "example"
       %{rcpt.domain[0:-4]}    expands to "example"

     In addition, modifiers may be applied to the token.  For example, with
     recipient "User+[email protected]":

       %{rcpt:lowercase}          expands to "user+[email protected]"
       %{rcpt:uppercase}          expands to "USER+[email protected]"
       %{rcpt:strip}              expands to "[email protected]"
       %{rcpt:lowercase|strip}    expands to "[email protected]"

     For security concerns, expanded values are sanitized and potentially
     dangerous characters are replaced with ':'.  In situations where they are
     desirable, the "raw" modifier may be applied.  For example, with
     recipient "user+t?[email protected]":

       %{rcpt}        expands to "user+t:[email protected]"
       %{rcpt:raw}    expands to "user+t?[email protected]"


     /etc/smtpd.conf     Default smtpd(8) configuration file.
     /etc/mailname       If this file exists, the first line is used as the
                     server name.  Otherwise, the server name is derived
                     from the local hostname returned by gethostname(3),
                     either directly if it is a fully qualified domain
                     name, or by retrieving the associated canonical name
                     through getaddrinfo(3).
     /var/spool/smtpd/   Spool directories for mail during processing.


     The default smtpd.conf file listens on the loopback network interface
     (lo0), and allows for mail from users and daemons on the local machine,
     as well as permitting email to remote servers.  Some more complex
     configurations are given below.

     This first example is the same as the default configuration, but all
     outgoing mail is forwarded to a remote SMTP server.  A secrets file is
     needed to specify a username and password:

       # touch /etc/secrets
       # chmod 640 /etc/secrets
       # chown root:_smtpd /etc/secrets
       # echo "label username:password" > /etc/secrets

     smtpd.conf would look like this:

       table aliases file:/etc/aliases
       table secrets file:/etc/secrets

       listen on lo0

       accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
       accept for any relay via tls+auth://[email protected] \
               auth <secrets>

     In this second example, the aim is to permit mail relaying for any user
     that can authenticate using their normal login credentials.  An RSA
     certificate must be provided to prove the server's identity.  The mail
     server listens on all interfaces the default route(s) point to.  Mail
     with a local destination should be sent to an external mda.  First, the
     RSA certificate is created:

       # openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/ 4096
       # openssl req -new -x509 -key /etc/ssl/private/ \
               -out /etc/ssl/ -days 365
       # chmod 600 /etc/ssl/
       # chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/

     In the example above, a certificate valid for one year was created.  The
     configuration file would look like this:

       pki certificate "/etc/ssl/"
       pki key "/etc/ssl/private/"

       table aliases file:/etc/aliases

       listen on lo0
       listen on egress tls pki auth

       accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mda "/path/to/mda -f -"
       accept from any for domain \
               deliver to mda "/path/to/mda -f -"
       accept for any relay

     For sites that wish to sign messages using DKIM, the dkimproxy package
     may be used as a filter.  The following example is the same as the
     default configuration, but all outgoing mail is passed to dkimproxy_out
     on port 10027 for signing.  The signed messages are received on port
     10028 and tagged for relaying.

       table aliases file:/etc/aliases

       listen on lo0
       listen on lo0 port 10028 tag DKIM

       accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
       accept tagged DKIM for any relay
       accept from local for any relay via smtp://

     Sites that accept non-local messages may be able to cut down on the
     volume of spam received by rejecting forged messages that claim to be
     from the local domain.  The table other-relays can be used to specify the
     IP addresses of relays that may legitimately originate mail with your
     domain as the sender.

       table aliases file:/etc/aliases
       table other-relays file:/etc/other-relays

       listen on lo0
       listen on egress

       accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
       accept from local for any relay
       reject from ! source <other-relays> sender "" for any
       accept from any for domain \
               alias <aliases> deliver to mbox


     mailer.conf(5), table(5), makemap(8), smtpd(8)


     smtpd(8) first appeared in OpenBSD 4.6.


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