

   Xsecurity - X display access control


   X provides mechanism for implementing many access control systems.  The
   sample implementation includes five mechanisms:
       Host Access                   Simple host-based access control.
       MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1            Shared plain-text "cookies".
       XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1           Secure DES based private-keys.
       SUN-DES-1                     Based on Sun's secure rpc system.
       Server Interpreted            Server-dependent methods of access control
   Not all of these are available in all builds or implementations.


   Host Access
          Any client on a host in the host access control list is  allowed
          access to the X server.  This system can work reasonably well in
          an environment where everyone trusts everyone, or  when  only  a
          single  person can log in to a given machine, and is easy to use
          when the list of hosts used is small.  This system does not work
          well  when  multiple  people  can log in to a single machine and
          mutual trust does not exist.   The  list  of  allowed  hosts  is
          stored  in  the  X  server  and  can  be  changed with the xhost
          command.   The list is stored in the server by network  address,
          not  host  names,  so  is  not  automatically  updated if a host
          changes address while the server is  running.   When  using  the
          more  secure  mechanisms listed below, the host list is normally
          configured to  be  the  empty  list,  so  that  only  authorized
          programs  can  connect to the display.   See the GRANTING ACCESS
          section of the Xserver man page for details on how this list  is
          initialized at server startup.

          When  using  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1,  the  client  sends  a  128 bit
          "cookie" along with the connection setup  information.   If  the
          cookie  presented  by  the  client matches one that the X server
          has, the connection is allowed access.  The cookie is chosen  so
          that   it   is   hard  to  guess;  xdm  generates  such  cookies
          automatically when this form of access  control  is  used.   The
          user's  copy  of the cookie is usually stored in the .Xauthority
          file in the home directory, although  the  environment  variable
          XAUTHORITY  can  be  used to specify an alternate location.  Xdm
          automatically passes a cookie to the server for each  new  login
          session, and stores the cookie in the user file at login.

          The  cookie is transmitted on the network without encryption, so
          there is nothing to prevent a network snooper from obtaining the
          data  and  using it to gain access to the X server.  This system
          is useful  in  an  environment  where  many  users  are  running
          applications  on the same machine and want to avoid interference
          from each other, with the caveat that this control  is  only  as
          good  as  the  access  control  to  the  physical  network.   In
          environments where network-level  snooping  is  difficult,  this
          system can work reasonably well.

          Sites  who  compile  with DES support can use a DES-based access
          control mechanism called XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1.  It is similar  in
          usage  to  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  in  that  a  key is stored in the
          .Xauthority file and is shared with the X server.  However, this
          key  consists  of two parts - a 56 bit DES encryption key and 64
          bits of random data used as the authenticator.

          When connecting to the X server, the application  generates  192
          bits  of  data  by  combining the current time in seconds (since
          00:00 1/1/1970 GMT) along with 48  bits  of  "identifier".   For
          TCP/IPv4  connections,  the  identifier is the address plus port
          number; for local connections it is the process ID and  32  bits
          to  form  a  unique id (in case multiple connections to the same
          server are made from a single process).  This 192 bit packet  is
          then encrypted using the DES key and sent to the X server, which
          is able to verify if the requestor is authorized to  connect  by
          decrypting   with   the   same   DES   key  and  validating  the
          authenticator and additional data.  This  system  is  useful  in
          many   environments   where   host-based   access   control   is
          inappropriate and where network security cannot be ensured.

          Recent versions of SunOS (and some other systems) have  included
          a  secure  public key remote procedure call system.  This system
          is based on the notion of a network principal; a user  name  and
          NIS  domain  pair.  Using this system, the X server can securely
          discover the actual user name of  the  requesting  process.   It
          involves  encrypting data with the X server's public key, and so
          the identity of the user who started the X server is needed  for
          this;  this  identity  is  stored  in  the .Xauthority file.  By
          extending the semantics of "host address" to include this notion
          of  network  principal, this form of access control is very easy
          to use.

          To allow access by a new user, use xhost.  For example,
              xhost keith@ [email protected]
          adds "keith" from the NIS  domain  of  the  local  machine,  and
          "ruth"  in  the  "mit.edu"  NIS  domain.   For  keith or ruth to
          successfully connect to the display, they must add the principal
          who started the server to their .Xauthority file.  For example:
              xauth add expo.lcs.mit.edu:0 SUN-DES-1 [email protected]
          This system only works on machines which support Secure RPC, and
          only for users which have set up the appropriate  public/private
          key pairs on their system.  See the Secure RPC documentation for
          details.  To access the display from a remote host, you may have
          to do a keylogin on the remote host first.

   Server Interpreted
          The  Server  Interpreted  method  provides  two strings to the X
          server for entry in the access control list.  The  first  string
          represents the type of entry, and the second string contains the
          value of the entry.  These strings are interpreted by the server
          and  different  implementations and builds may support different
          types  of  entries.   The  types   supported   in   the   sample
          implementation  are  defined  in  the  SERVER INTERPRETED ACCESS
          TYPES section below.   Entries of this type can  be  manipulated
          via  xhost.   For  example  to add a Server Interpreted entry of
          type localuser with a  value  of  root,  the  command  is  xhost


   Except  for  Host Access control and Server Interpreted Access Control,
   each of these systems uses data  stored  in  the  .Xauthority  file  to
   generate  the  correct authorization information to pass along to the X
   server at connection setup.  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 and XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1
   store secret data in the file; so anyone who can read the file can gain
   access to the X server.  SUN-DES-1 stores  only  the  identity  of  the
   principal  who started the server (unix.hostname@domain when the server
   is started by xdm), and so it is not useful to anyone not authorized to
   connect to the server.

   Each  entry in the .Xauthority file matches a certain connection family
   (TCP/IP, DECnet or local connections) and X display name (hostname plus
   display  number).   This  allows  multiple  authorization  entries  for
   different displays to share the same data file.  A  special  connection
   family  (FamilyWild,  value  65535)  causes  an  entry  to  match every
   display, allowing the entry to be used for all connections.  Each entry
   additionally  contains  the  authorization  name  and  whatever private
   authorization data is needed by that authorization type to generate the
   correct information at connection setup time.

   The   xauth  program  manipulates  the  .Xauthority  file  format.   It
   understands the  semantics  of  the  connection  families  and  address
   formats,  displaying  them  in  an  easy to understand format.  It also
   understands that SUN-DES-1 uses string  values  for  the  authorization
   data, and displays them appropriately.

   The  X  server  (when  running  on  a  workstation) reads authorization
   information from a file name passed on the command line with the  -auth
   option (see the Xserver manual page).  The authorization entries in the
   file are used to  control  access  to  the  server.   In  each  of  the
   authorization  schemes  listed  above, the data needed by the server to
   initialize an authorization scheme is identical to the data  needed  by
   the  client  to  generate the appropriate authorization information, so
   the same file can be used by both processes.  This is especially useful
   when xinit is used.

          This  system  uses  128 bits of data shared between the user and
          the X  server.   Any  collection  of  bits  can  be  used.   Xdm
          generates  these  keys  using  a cryptographically secure pseudo
          random number generator, and so the  key  to  the  next  session
          cannot be computed from the current session key.

          This  system  uses two pieces of information.  First, 64 bits of
          random data, second a 56 bit DES encryption key  (again,  random
          data) stored in 8 bytes, the last byte of which is ignored.  Xdm
          generates these keys using the same random number  generator  as
          is used for MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1.

          This system needs a string representation of the principal which
          identifies the associated X server.  This information is used to
          encrypt  the  client's  authority information when it is sent to
          the X server.  When xdm starts the X server, it  uses  the  root
          principal   for   the   machine   on   which   it   is   running
          (unix.hostname@domain,                                     e.g.,
          "[email protected]").   Putting the correct
          principal name in the .Xauthority file causes Xlib  to  generate
          the  appropriate  authorization information using the secure RPC


   The  sample  implementation   includes   several   Server   Interpreted
       IPv6                          IPv6 literal addresses
       hostname                      Network host name
       localuser                     Local connection user id
       localgroup                    Local connection group id

   IPv6   A  literal  IPv6  address  as  defined  in IETF RFC 3513.   This
          allows adding IPv6 addresses when the X  server  supports  IPv6,
          but the xhost client was compiled without IPv6 support.

          The value must be a hostname as defined in IETF RFC 2396. Due to
          Mobile IP and dynamic DNS, the  name  service  is  consulted  at
          connection  authentication  time,  unlike  the  traditional host
          access control list which only contains  numeric  addresses  and
          does  not  automatically  update  when a host's address changes.
          Note that this definition of hostname  does  not  allow  use  of
          literal IP addresses.

   localuser & localgroup
          On   systems  which  can  determine  in  a  secure  fashion  the
          credentials  of  a   client   process,   the   "localuser"   and
          "localgroup"  authentication  methods  provide  access  based on
          those  credentials.   The  format  of  the  values  provided  is
          platform  specific.   For  POSIX  & UNIX platforms, if the value
          starts with the character '#', the rest of the string is treated
          as  a  decimal  uid or gid, otherwise the string is defined as a
          user name or group name.

          If your system supports this method and you use  it,  be  warned
          that  some  programs  that  proxy  connections and are setuid or
          setgid may get authenticated as the uid  or  gid  of  the  proxy
          process.    For   instance,   some   versions  of  ssh  will  be
          authenticated as the user root, no matter what user  is  running
          the  ssh client, so on systems with such software, adding access
          for localuser:root may allow wider access than intended to the X




   X(7), xdm(1), xauth(1), xhost(1), xinit(1), Xserver(1)


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