

   xorg.conf, xorg.conf.d - configuration files for Xorg X server


   Xorg  supports several mechanisms for supplying/obtaining configuration
   and run-time parameters: command line options,  environment  variables,
   the  xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d configuration files, auto-detection, and
   fallback defaults. When the same information is supplied in  more  than
   one  way,  the  highest  precedence  mechanism  is  used.  The  list of
   mechanisms is ordered from highest precedence to lowest. Note that  not
   all  parameters  can be supplied via all methods. The available command
   line  options  and  environment  variables  (and  some  defaults)   are
   described   in   the   Xserver(1)   and   Xorg(1)  manual  pages.  Most
   configuration file  parameters,  with  their  defaults,  are  described
   below.   Driver   and  module  specific  configuration  parameters  are
   described in the relevant driver or module manual page.


   Xorg uses a configuration file called xorg.conf and files ending in the
   suffix .conf from the directory xorg.conf.d for its initial setup.  The
   xorg.conf configuration file is searched for in  the  following  places
   when the server is started as a normal user:


   where  <cmdline> is a relative path (with no “..” components) specified
   with the -config command line option, $XORGCONFIG is the relative  path
   (with  no  “..” components) specified by that environment variable, and
   <hostname> is the machine's hostname as reported by gethostname(3).

   When the Xorg server is started by the “root”  user,  the  config  file
   search locations are as follows:


   where  <cmdline>  is  the  path specified with the -config command line
   option (which may be absolute or relative),  $XORGCONFIG  is  the  path
   specified by that environment variable (absolute or relative), $HOME is
   the path specified by  that  environment  variable  (usually  the  home
   directory),  and  <hostname>  is  the machine's hostname as reported by

   Additional configuration  files  are  searched  for  in  the  following
   directories when the server is started as a normal user:


   where  <cmdline> is a relative path (with no “..” components) specified
   with the -configdir command line option.

   When the Xorg  server  is  started  by  the  “root”  user,  the  config
   directory search locations are as follows:


   where  <cmdline> is the path specified with the -configdir command line
   option (which may be absolute or relative).

   Finally, configuration files will also be searched for in  a  directory
   reserved  for system use.  This is to separate configuration files from
   the vendor or 3rd party packages from those  of  local  administration.
   These files are found in the following directory:


   The  xorg.conf  and  xorg.conf.d  files  are  composed  of  a number of
   sections which may be present in any order, or omitted to  use  default
   configuration values.  Each section has the form:

       Section  "SectionName"

   The section names are:

       Files          File pathnames
       ServerFlags    Server flags
       Module         Dynamic module loading
       Extensions     Extension enabling
       InputDevice    Input device description
       InputClass     Input class description
       OutputClass    Output class description
       Device         Graphics device description
       VideoAdaptor   Xv video adaptor description
       Monitor        Monitor description
       Modes          Video modes descriptions
       Screen         Screen configuration
       ServerLayout   Overall layout
       DRI            DRI-specific configuration
       Vendor         Vendor-specific configuration

   The   following   obsolete  section  names  are  still  recognised  for
   compatibility purposes.  In new config files, the  InputDevice  section
   should be used instead.

       Keyboard       Keyboard configuration
       Pointer        Pointer/mouse configuration

   The old XInput section is no longer recognised.

   The ServerLayout sections are at the highest level.  They bind together
   the input and output devices that will be used in a session.  The input
   devices  are  described  in  the  InputDevice sections.  Output devices
   usually consist of multiple independent components  (e.g.,  a  graphics
   board  and a monitor).  These multiple components are bound together in
   the Screen sections, and  it  is  these  that  are  referenced  by  the
   ServerLayout  section.   Each  Screen section binds together a graphics
   board and a monitor.  The graphics boards are described in  the  Device
   sections, and the monitors are described in the Monitor sections.

   Config  file  keywords  are  case-insensitive,  and  “_” characters are
   ignored.   Most  strings  (including  Option  names)  are  also   case-
   insensitive, and insensitive to white space and “_” characters.

   Each  config  file  entry  usually  takes up a single line in the file.
   They consist of a keyword, which is possibly followed by  one  or  more
   arguments,  with the number and types of the arguments depending on the
   keyword.  The argument types are:

       Integer     an integer number in decimal, hex or octal
       Real        a floating point number
       String      a string enclosed in double quote marks (")

   Note: hex integer values must be prefixed with “0x”, and  octal  values
   with “0”.

   A  special  keyword called Option may be used to provide free-form data
   to various components of the server.  The Option keyword  takes  either
   one  or  two  string  arguments.  The first is the option name, and the
   optional second argument is  the  option  value.   Some  commonly  used
   option value types include:

       Integer     an integer number in decimal, hex or octal
       Real        a floating point number
       String      a sequence of characters
       Boolean     a boolean value (see below)
       Frequency   a frequency value (see below)

   Note  that  all  Option  values,  not just strings, must be enclosed in

   Boolean options may optionally have a value specified.  When  no  value
   is specified, the option's value is TRUE.  The following boolean option
   values are recognised as TRUE:

       1, on, true, yes

   and the following boolean option values are recognised as FALSE:

       0, off, false, no

   If an option name is prefixed with  "No",  then  the  option  value  is

   Example: the following option entries are equivalent:

       Option "Accel"   "Off"
       Option "NoAccel"
       Option "NoAccel" "On"
       Option "Accel"   "false"
       Option "Accel"   "no"

   Frequency  option  values  consist  of a real number that is optionally
   followed by one of the following frequency units:

       Hz, k, kHz, M, MHz

   When the unit name is omitted, the correct  units  will  be  determined
   from  the  value  and  the expectations of the appropriate range of the
   value.  It is recommended that the units always be specified when using
   frequency option values to avoid any errors in determining the value.


   The  Files  section  is used to specify some path names required by the
   server.  Some of these paths can also be set from the command line (see
   Xserver(1) and Xorg(1)).  The command line settings override the values
   specified in the config file.  The Files section is  optional,  as  are
   all of the entries that may appear in it.

   The entries that can appear in this section are:

   FontPath "path"
          sets  the search path for fonts.  This path is a comma separated
          list of font path elements which the Xorg  server  searches  for
          font databases.  Multiple FontPath entries may be specified, and
          they will be concatenated to build up the fontpath used  by  the
          server.   Font  path  elements  can be absolute directory paths,
          catalogue directories or a font server identifier.  The  formats
          of the later two are explained below:

          Catalogue directories:

              Catalogue  directories  can  be  specified  using the prefix
              catalogue: before the directory name. The directory can then
              be  populated  with  symlinks  pointing  to  the  real  font
              directories, using the following syntax in the symlink name:


              where   <identifier>   is   an   alphanumeric    identifier,
              [attribute]  is  an  attribute  which  will be passed to the
              underlying FPE and <priority> is a number used to order  the
              fontfile FPEs. Examples:

                  75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi
                  gscript:pri=60 -> /usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript
                  misc:unscaled:pri=10 -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc

          Font server identifiers:

              Font server identifiers have the form:


              where <trans> is the transport type to use to connect to the
              font server (e.g., unix for UNIX-domain sockets or tcp for a
              TCP/IP  connection),  <hostname>  is  the  hostname  of  the
              machine running the font server, and  <port-number>  is  the
              port  number  that  the font server is listening on (usually

          When this entry is not specified in the config file, the  server
          falls  back to the compiled-in default font path, which contains
          the following font path elements (which  can  be  set  inside  a
          catalogue directory):


          Font path elements that are found to be invalid are removed from
          the font path when the server starts up.

   ModulePath "path"
          sets the search path for loadable  Xorg  server  modules.   This
          path  is  a  comma  separated list of directories which the Xorg
          server searches  for  loadable  modules  loading  in  the  order
          specified.   Multiple  ModulePath  entries may be specified, and
          they will be concatenated to build the module search  path  used
          by the server.  The default module path is


   XkbDir "path"
          sets  the base directory for keyboard layout files.  The -xkbdir
          command line option can be used to override this.   The  default
          directory is



   In  addition to options specific to this section (described below), the
   ServerFlags section is used to specify some global Xorg server options.
   All   of  the  entries  in  this  section  are  Options,  although  for
   compatibility  purposes  some  of  the  old  style  entries  are  still
   recognised.  Those old style entries are not documented here, and using
   them is discouraged.  The ServerFlags section is optional, as  are  the
   entries that may be specified in it.

   Options   specified   in  this  section  (with  the  exception  of  the
   "DefaultServerLayout" Option) may be overridden by Options specified in
   the active ServerLayout section.  Options with command line equivalents
   are overridden when their command line equivalent is used.  The options
   recognised by this section are:

   Option "DefaultServerLayout"  "layout-id"
          This  specifies  the  default ServerLayout section to use in the
          absence of the -layout command line option.

   Option "NoTrapSignals"  "boolean"
          This  prevents  the  Xorg  server  from  trapping  a  range   of
          unexpected fatal signals and exiting cleanly.  Instead, the Xorg
          server will die and drop core where  the  fault  occurred.   The
          default  behaviour  is  for the Xorg server to exit cleanly, but
          still drop a core file.  In general you never want to  use  this
          option  unless you are debugging an Xorg server problem and know
          how to deal with the consequences.

   Option "UseSIGIO"  "boolean"
          This controls whether the Xorg server requests that events  from
          input devices be reported via a SIGIO signal handler (also known
          as SIGPOLL on some platforms), or only reported via the standard
          select(3)  loop.   The  default  behaviour is platform specific.
          In general you do not want to use this  option  unless  you  are
          debugging  the  Xorg  server,  or  working around a specific bug
          until it is fixed, and understand the consequences.

   Option "DontVTSwitch"  "boolean"
          This disallows the use of the  Ctrl+Alt+Fn  sequence  (where  Fn
          refers  to one of the numbered function keys).  That sequence is
          normally  used  to  switch  to  another  "virtual  terminal"  on
          operating  systems  that have this feature.  When this option is
          enabled, that key sequence has no special meaning and is  passed
          to clients.  Default: off.

   Option "DontZap"  "boolean"
          This  disallows  the  use  of  the  Terminate_Server  XKB action
          (usually on Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, depending on XKB options).  This
          action is normally used to terminate the Xorg server.  When this
          option is enabled, the action has no effect.  Default: off.

   Option "DontZoom"  "boolean"
          This  disallows  the  use  of   the   Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus   and
          Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus  sequences.  These sequences allows you to
          switch between video modes.  When this option is enabled,  those
          key sequences have no special meaning and are passed to clients.
          Default: off.

   Option "DisableVidModeExtension"  "boolean"
          This disables the parts of the VidMode  extension  used  by  the
          xvidtune  client  that  can  be  used to change the video modes.
          Default: the VidMode extension is enabled.

   Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"  "boolean"
          This allows the xvidtune client (and other clients that use  the
          VidMode extension) to connect from another host.  Default: off.

   Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "boolean"
          This  tells the mousedrv(4) and vmmouse(4) drivers to not report
          failure if the mouse device can't be opened/initialised.  It has
          no effect on the evdev(4) or other drivers.  Default: false.

   Option "BlankTime"  "time"
          sets   the  inactivity  timeout  for  the  blank  phase  of  the
          screensaver.  time is in minutes.  This  is  equivalent  to  the
          Xorg  server's -s flag, and the value can be changed at run-time
          with xset(1).  Default: 10 minutes.

   Option "StandbyTime"  "time"
          sets the inactivity timeout for the standby phase of DPMS  mode.
          time  is  in  minutes,  and the value can be changed at run-time
          with xset(1).  Default: 10 minutes.  This is only  suitable  for
          VESA  DPMS  compatible monitors, and may not be supported by all
          video drivers.  It is only enabled for  screens  that  have  the
          "DPMS" option set (see the MONITOR section below).

   Option "SuspendTime"  "time"
          sets  the inactivity timeout for the suspend phase of DPMS mode.
          time is in minutes, and the value can  be  changed  at  run-time
          with  xset(1).   Default: 10 minutes.  This is only suitable for
          VESA DPMS compatible monitors, and may not be supported  by  all
          video  drivers.   It  is  only enabled for screens that have the
          "DPMS" option set (see the MONITOR section below).

   Option "OffTime"  "time"
          sets the inactivity timeout for the  off  phase  of  DPMS  mode.
          time  is  in  minutes,  and the value can be changed at run-time
          with xset(1).  Default: 10 minutes.  This is only  suitable  for
          VESA  DPMS  compatible monitors, and may not be supported by all
          video drivers.  It is only enabled for  screens  that  have  the
          "DPMS" option set (see the MONITOR section below).

   Option "MaxClients"  "integer"
          Set  the  maximum  number of clients allowed to connect to the X
          server.  Acceptable values are 64, 128, 256 or 512.

   Option "Pixmap"  "bpp"
          This sets the pixmap format to use for depth 24.  Allowed values
          for  bpp  are  24 and 32.  Default: 32 unless driver constraints
          don't allow this (which is  rare).   Note:  some  clients  don't
          behave well when this value is set to 24.

   Option "NoPM"  "boolean"
          Disables something to do with power management events.  Default:
          PM enabled on platforms that support it.

   Option "Xinerama"  "boolean"
          enable or disable XINERAMA extension.  Default is disabled.

   Option "AIGLX" "boolean"
          enable or disable AIGLX. AIGLX is enabled by default.

   Option "IndirectGLX" "boolean"
          enable or disable indirect GLX contexts. Indirect  GLX  contexts
          are disabled by default.

   Option "DRI2" "boolean"
          enable or disable DRI2. DRI2 is disabled by default.

   Option "GlxVisuals" "string"
          This  option  controls how many GLX visuals the GLX modules sets
          up.  The default value is typical, which will setup up a typical
          subset  of  the  GLXFBConfigs  provided  by  the  driver  as GLX
          visuals.  Other options are  minimal,  which  will  set  up  the
          minimal  set allowed by the GLX specification and all which will
          setup GLX visuals for all GLXFBConfigs.

   Option "UseDefaultFontPath" "boolean"
          Include the default font path even if other paths are  specified
          in xorg.conf. If enabled, other font paths are included as well.
          Enabled by default.

   Option "IgnoreABI" "boolean"
          Allow modules built for a  different,  potentially  incompatible
          version of the X server to load. Disabled by default.

   Option "AutoAddDevices" "boolean"
          If  this  option is disabled, then no devices will be added from
          the HAL or udev backends. Enabled by default.

   Option "AutoEnableDevices" "boolean"
          If this option is disabled, then the devices will be added  (and
          the  DevicePresenceNotify  event  sent),  but  not enabled, thus
          leaving policy up to the client.  Enabled by default.

   Option "AutoAddGPU" "boolean"
          If this option is disabled, then no GPU devices  will  be  added
          from  the  udev  backend.  Enabled  by  default. (May need to be
          disabled to setup Xinerama).

   Option "Log" "string"
          This option controls whether the log is flushed and/or synced to
          disk  after  each  message.   Possible values are flush or sync.
          Unset by default.


   The Module section is used to specify which Xorg server modules  should
   be  loaded.   This  section is ignored when the Xorg server is built in
   static form.  The type of modules normally loaded in this  section  are
   Xorg  server  extension  modules.   Most  other module types are loaded
   automatically when they are needed via other  mechanisms.   The  Module
   section is optional, as are all of the entries that may be specified in

   Entries in this section may be  in  two  forms.   The  first  and  most
   commonly used form is an entry that uses the Load keyword, as described

   Load  "modulename"
          This instructs the server to load the module called  modulename.
          The  module name given should be the module's standard name, not
          the module file name.  The standard name is case-sensitive,  and
          does  not  include  the “lib” or “cyg” prefixes, or the “.so” or
          “.dll” suffixes.

          Example: the  DRI  extension  module  can  be  loaded  with  the
          following entry:

              Load "dri"

   Disable  "modulename"
          This  instructs  the  server  to  not  load  the  module  called
          modulename.  Some modules are loaded by default in  the  server,
          and  this overrides that default. If a Load instruction is given
          for the same module, it overrides the  Disable  instruction  and
          the  module  is  loaded.  The  module  name  given should be the
          module's standard name, not the module file name.  As  with  the
          Load  instruction, the standard name is case-sensitive, and does
          not include the "lib"  prefix,  or  the  ".a",  ".o",  or  ".so"

   The  second  form  of  entry  is a SubSection, with the subsection name
   being the module name, and the contents of the SubSection being Options
   that are passed to the module when it is loaded.

   Example:  the  extmod  module  (which contains a miscellaneous group of
   server extensions)  can  be  loaded,  with  the  XFree86-DGA  extension
   disabled by using the following entry:

       SubSection "extmod"
          Option  "omit XFree86-DGA"

   Modules  are searched for in each directory specified in the ModulePath
   search path, and in  the  drivers,  extensions,  input,  internal,  and
   multimedia subdirectories of each of those directories.  In addition to
   this, operating system specific subdirectories of  all  the  above  are
   searched first if they exist.

   To  see  what  extension  modules  are  available, check the extensions
   subdirectory under:


   The “extmod”, “dbe”,  “dri”,  “dri2”,  “glx”,  and  “record”  extension
   modules  are loaded automatically, if they are present, unless disabled
   with "Disable" entries.  It is  recommended  that  at  very  least  the
   “extmod”  extension  module be loaded.  If it isn't, some commonly used
   server extensions (like the SHAPE extension) will not be available.


   The Extensions section is used to specify which X11 protocol extensions
   should  be enabled or disabled.  The Extensions section is optional, as
   are all of the entries that may be specified in it.

   Entries in this section are listed as Option statements with  the  name
   of  the  extension  as  the  first argument, and a boolean value as the
   second.  The extension name is case-sensitive,  and  matches  the  form
   shown in the output of "Xorg -extension ?".

          Example:   the  MIT-SHM  extension  can  be  disabled  with  the
          following entry:

              Section "Extensions"
                  Option "MIT-SHM" "Disable"


   The config file may  have  multiple  InputDevice  sections.   Recent  X
   servers  employ  HAL  or udev backends for input device enumeration and
   input hotplugging. It is usually not necessary to  provide  InputDevice
   sections in the xorg.conf if hotplugging is in use (i.e. AutoAddDevices
   is enabled). If hotplugging is enabled, InputDevice sections using  the
   mouse, kbd and vmmouse driver will be ignored.

   If  hotplugging  is  disabled, there will normally be at least two: one
   for the core (primary) keyboard and  one  for  the  core  pointer.   If
   either of these two is missing, a default configuration for the missing
   ones will be used. In the absence of an explicitly specified core input
   device,  the  first InputDevice marked as CorePointer (or CoreKeyboard)
   is used.  If there is no match there, the first InputDevice  that  uses
   the  “mouse”  (or  “kbd”) driver is used.  The final fallback is to use
   built-in default configurations.  Currently the  default  configuration
   may not work as expected on all platforms.

   InputDevice sections have the following format:

       Section "InputDevice"
           Identifier "name"
           Driver     "inputdriver"

   The  Identifier  and  Driver  entries  are  required in all InputDevice
   sections.  All other entries are optional.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this  input  device.
   The Driver entry specifies the name of the driver to use for this input
   device.  When using  the  loadable  server,  the  input  driver  module
   "inputdriver"  will  be loaded for each active InputDevice section.  An
   InputDevice section is considered active if  it  is  referenced  by  an
   active  ServerLayout  section,  if it is referenced by the -keyboard or
   -pointer command line options, or if it is selected implicitly  as  the
   core  pointer  or  keyboard  device  in  the  absence  of such explicit
   references.  The most commonly used input drivers are evdev(4) on Linux
   systems, and kbd(4) and mousedrv(4) on other platforms.

   InputDevice  sections  recognise some driver-independent Options, which
   are described here.  See the individual input driver manual pages for a
   description of the device-specific options.

   Option "AutoServerLayout"  "boolean"
          Always  add  the device to the ServerLayout section used by this
          instance of the server. This affects implied layouts as well  as
          explicit  layouts  specified  in the configuration and/or on the
          command line.

   Option "CorePointer"
          Deprecated, see Floating

   Option "CoreKeyboard"
          Deprecated, see Floating

   Option "AlwaysCore"  "boolean"
          Deprecated, see Floating

   Option "SendCoreEvents"  "boolean"
          Deprecated, see Floating

   Option "Floating"  "boolean"
          When enabled, the input device is set up floating and  does  not
          report events through any master device or control a cursor. The
          device is only available to clients using the X Input  Extension
          API.   This   option   is  disabled  by  default.   The  options
          CorePointer, CoreKeyboard, AlwaysCore, and  SendCoreEvents,  are
          the  inverse  of  option  Floating (i.e.  SendCoreEvents "on" is
          equivalent to Floating "off" ).

          This option controls the startup behavior only, a device may  be
          reattached or set floating at runtime.

   Option "TransformationMatrix" "a b c d e f g h i"
          Specifies  the  3x3  transformation  matrix  for  absolute input
          devices. The input device will be bound to the area given in the
          matrix.   In  most configurations, "a" and "e" specify the width
          and height of the area the device is bound to, and "c"  and  "f"
          specify the x and y offset of the area.  The value range is 0 to
          1, where 1 represents the width or height of  all  root  windows
          together,   0.5  represents  half  the  area,  etc.  The  values
          represent a 3x3 matrix, with the first, second and  third  group
          of  three values representing the first, second and third row of
          the matrix, respectively.  The identity matrix is "1 0 0 0 1 0 0
          0 1".

   For  pointing devices, the following options control how the pointer is
   accelerated or decelerated with respect to physical device motion. Most
   of  these  can  be  adjusted at runtime, see the xinput(1) man page for
   details. Only the most important  acceleration  options  are  discussed

   Option "AccelerationProfile"  "integer"
          Select  the  profile. In layman's terms, the profile constitutes
          the "feeling" of the acceleration. More formally, it defines how
          the  transfer  function  (actual  acceleration  as a function of
          current  device   velocity   and   acceleration   controls)   is
          constructed. This is mainly a matter of personal preference.

          0      classic (mostly compatible)
         -1      none (only constant deceleration is applied)
          1      device-dependent
          2      polynomial (polynomial function)
          3      smooth linear (soft knee, then linear)
          4      simple (normal when slow, otherwise accelerated)
          5      power (power function)
          6      linear (more speed, more acceleration)
          7      limited (like linear, but maxes out at threshold)

   Option "ConstantDeceleration"  "real"
          Makes the pointer go deceleration times slower than normal. Most
          useful for high-resolution devices. A value between 0 and 1 will
          speed up the pointer.

   Option "AdaptiveDeceleration"  "real"
          Allows  to  actually  decelerate the pointer when going slow. At
          most, it will be adaptive  deceleration  times  slower.  Enables
          precise pointer placement without sacrificing speed.

   Option "AccelerationScheme"  "string"
          Selects the scheme, which is the underlying algorithm.

          predictable   default algorithm (behaving more predictable)
          lightweight   old acceleration code (as specified in the X protocol spec)
          none          no acceleration or deceleration

   Option "AccelerationNumerator"  "integer"

   Option "AccelerationDenominator"  "integer"
          Set  numerator  and  denominator of the acceleration factor. The
          acceleration  factor  is  a  rational   which,   together   with
          threshold,  can  be  used  to  tweak  profiles to suit the users
          needs. The simple and limited profiles  use  it  directly  (i.e.
          they  accelerate  by  the  factor), for other profiles it should
          hold that  a  higher  acceleration  factor  leads  to  a  faster
          pointer.  Typically,  1  is unaccelerated and values up to 5 are

   Option "AccelerationThreshold"  "integer"
          Set the threshold, which is roughly the velocity (usually device
          units  per 10 ms) required for acceleration to become effective.
          The precise effect varies with the profile however.


   The config file may have multiple InputClass sections.  These  sections
   are optional and are used to provide configuration for a class of input
   devices as they are automatically added. An input device can match more
   than  one  InputClass  section. Each class can override settings from a
   previous class, so it is best to arrange the  sections  with  the  most
   generic matches first.

   InputClass sections have the following format:

       Section "InputClass"
           Identifier  "name"

   The Identifier entry is required in all InputClass sections.  All other
   entries are optional.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for  this  input  class.
   The Driver entry specifies the name of the driver to use for this input
   device.  After all classes have been examined, the "inputdriver" module
   from  the  first  Driver  entry will be enabled when using the loadable

   When an input device is automatically added,  its  characteristics  are
   checked  against  all  InputClass  sections.  Each  section can contain
   optional entries to narrow the match of  the  class.  If  none  of  the
   optional  entries  appear,  the  InputClass section is generic and will
   match any input device. If more than one of these entries appear,  they
   all must match for the configuration to apply.

   There  are  two types of match entries used in InputClass sections. The
   first allows various tokens to be matched  against  attributes  of  the
   device.  An entry can be constructed to match attributes from different
   devices by separating arguments with a '|' character. Multiple  entries
   of the same type may be supplied to add multiple matching conditions on
   the same attribute. For example:

       Section "InputClass"
           Identifier   "My Class"
           # product string must contain example and
           # either gizmo or gadget
           MatchProduct "example"
           MatchProduct "gizmo|gadget"

   MatchProduct  "matchproduct"
          This entry can be used to check if the substring  "matchproduct"
          occurs in the device's product name.

   MatchVendor  "matchvendor"
          This  entry  can be used to check if the substring "matchvendor"
          occurs in the device's vendor name.

   MatchDevicePath "matchdevice"
          This entry can be used to check if the device file  matches  the
          "matchdevice" pathname pattern.

   MatchOS "matchos"
          This  entry can be used to check if the operating system matches
          the  case-insensitive  "matchos"  string.  This  entry  is  only
          supported on platforms providing the uname(2) system call.

   MatchPnPID "matchpnp"
          The  device's  Plug and Play (PnP) ID can be checked against the
          "matchpnp" shell wildcard pattern.

   MatchUSBID "matchusb"
          The device's USB ID can be checked against the "matchusb"  shell
          wildcard pattern. The ID is constructed as lowercase hexadecimal
          numbers separated by a ':'. This  is  the  same  format  as  the
          lsusb(8) program.

   MatchDriver "matchdriver"
          Check   the  case-sensitive  string  "matchdriver"  against  the
          currently configured driver of the device. Ordering of  sections
          using this entry is important since it will not match unless the
          driver has  been  set  by  the  config  backend  or  a  previous
          InputClass section.

   MatchTag "matchtag"
          This  entry  can be used to check if tags assigned by the config
          backend matches the "matchtag" pattern. A match is found  if  at
          least  one  of the tags given in "matchtag" matches at least one
          of the tags assigned by the backend.

   MatchLayout "matchlayout"
          Check  the  case-sensitive  string  "matchlayout"  against   the
          currently  active  ServerLayout  section.  The  empty  string ""
          matches  an  implicit  layout  which   appears   if   no   named
          ServerLayout sections have been found.

   The  second  type of entry is used to match device types. These entries
   take a boolean argument similar to Option entries.

   MatchIsKeyboard     "bool"

   MatchIsPointer      "bool"

   MatchIsJoystick     "bool"

   MatchIsTablet       "bool"

   MatchIsTouchpad     "bool"

   MatchIsTouchscreen  "bool"

   When an input device has been matched to the  InputClass  section,  any
   Option  entries  are  applied  to  the  device. One InputClass specific
   Option  is  recognized.  See  the  InputDevice  section  above  for   a
   description of the remaining Option entries.

   Option "Ignore" "boolean"
          This  optional entry specifies that the device should be ignored
          entirely, and not added to the server. This can be  useful  when
          the  device is handled by another program and no X events should
          be generated.


   The config file may have multiple OutputClass sections.  These sections
   are  optional  and  are  used  to  provide configuration for a class of
   output devices as they are automatically added.  An output  device  can
   match  more  than  one  OutputClass  section.   Each class can override
   settings from a previous class, so it is best to arrange  the  sections
   with the most generic matches first.

   OutputClass sections have the following format:

       Section "OutputClass"
           Identifier  "name"

   The  Identifier  entry  is  required  in all OutputClass sections.  All
   other entries are optional.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this  output  class.
   The  Driver  entry  specifies  the  name  of the driver to use for this
   output  device.   After   all   classes   have   been   examined,   the
   "outputdriver"  module from the first Driver entry will be enabled when
   using the loadable server.

   When an output device is automatically added, its  characteristics  are
   checked  against  all  OutputClass  sections.  Each section can contain
   optional entries to narrow the match of the  class.   If  none  of  the
   optional  entries  appear,  the OutputClass section is generic and will
   match any output device.  If more than one  of  these  entries  appear,
   they all must match for the configuration to apply.

   The  following  list of tokens can be matched against attributes of the
   device.  An entry can be constructed to match attributes from different
   devices by separating arguments with a '|' character.

   For example:

       Section "OutputClass"
           Identifier   "My Class"
           # kernel driver must be either foo or bar
           MatchDriver "foo|bar"

   MatchDriver "matchdriver"
          Check the case-sensitive string "matchdriver" against the kernel
          driver of the device.


   The config file may have multiple Device sections.  There  must  be  at
   least one, for the video card being used.

   Device sections have the following format:

       Section "Device"
           Identifier "name"
           Driver     "driver"

   The  Identifier and Driver entries are required in all Device sections.
   All other entries are optional.

   The Identifier entry  specifies  the  unique  name  for  this  graphics
   device.   The  Driver entry specifies the name of the driver to use for
   this graphics device.  When  using  the  loadable  server,  the  driver
   module  "driver"  will  be  loaded  for  each active Device section.  A
   Device section is considered active if it is referenced  by  an  active
   Screen section.

   Device  sections recognise some driver-independent entries and Options,
   which  are  described  here.   Not  all  drivers  make  use  of   these
   driver-independent  entries,  and  many  of those that do don't require
   them to be specified because the information is auto-detected.  See the
   individual  graphics  driver manual pages for further information about
   this, and for a description of the device-specific options.  Note  that
   most  of  the  Options  listed  here (but not the other entries) may be
   specified in the Screen section instead of here in the Device section.

   BusID  "bus-id"
          This specifies the bus  location  of  the  graphics  card.   For
          PCI/AGP    cards,    the    bus-id    string    has   the   form
          PCI:bus:device:function (e.g., “PCI:1:0:0” might be  appropriate
          for an AGP card).  This field is usually optional in single-head
          configurations when using the primary graphics card.  In  multi-
          head  configurations, or when using a secondary graphics card in
          a single-head configuration, this entry is mandatory.  Its  main
          purpose  is to make an unambiguous connection between the device
          section and the hardware it is representing.   This  information
          can usually be found by running the pciaccess tool scanpci.

   Screen  number
          This option is mandatory for cards where a single PCI entity can
          drive more than one display  (i.e.,  multiple  CRTCs  sharing  a
          single  graphics  accelerator  and  video  memory).   One Device
          section is required for each head, and this parameter determines
          which  head  each  of the Device sections applies to.  The legal
          values of number range from 0 to one less than the total  number
          of  heads  per  entity.   Most  drivers require that the primary
          screen (0) be present.

   Chipset  "chipset"
          This usually optional entry specifies the chipset  used  on  the
          graphics  board.   In  most  cases  this  entry  is not required
          because the drivers will probe the  hardware  to  determine  the
          chipset  type.   Don't  specify  it  unless  the driver-specific
          documentation recommends that you do.

   Ramdac  "ramdac-type"
          This optional entry specifies the type of  RAMDAC  used  on  the
          graphics  board.  This is only used by a few of the drivers, and
          in most cases it is not required because the drivers will  probe
          the hardware to determine the RAMDAC type where possible.  Don't
          specify it unless the driver-specific  documentation  recommends
          that you do.

   DacSpeed  speed

   DacSpeed  speed-8 speed-16 speed-24 speed-32
          This  optional entry specifies the RAMDAC speed rating (which is
          usually printed on the RAMDAC chip).  The speed is in MHz.  When
          one  value  is given, it applies to all framebuffer pixel sizes.
          When multiple values are given, they apply  to  the  framebuffer
          pixel  sizes 8, 16, 24 and 32 respectively.  This is not used by
          many drivers, and only needs to  be  specified  when  the  speed
          rating  of the RAMDAC is different from the defaults built in to
          driver,  or  when  the  driver  can't  auto-detect  the  correct
          defaults.    Don't   specify   it   unless  the  driver-specific
          documentation recommends that you do.

   Clocks  clock ...
          specifies the pixel that are on your graphics board.  The clocks
          are  in  MHz,  and  may be specified as a floating point number.
          The value is stored internally to the nearest kHz.  The ordering
          of  the  clocks  is important.  It must match the order in which
          they are selected on the graphics board.  Multiple Clocks  lines
          may  be  specified,  and  each is concatenated to form the list.
          Most drivers do not use this entry, and it is only required  for
          some  older  boards with non-programmable clocks.  Don't specify
          this entry unless the driver-specific  documentation  explicitly
          recommends that you do.

   ClockChip  "clockchip-type"
          This  optional  entry  is used to specify the clock chip type on
          graphics boards which have a programmable clock generator.  Only
          a  few  Xorg  drivers  support  programmable  clock  chips.  For
          details, see the appropriate driver manual page.

   VideoRam  mem
          This optional entry specifies the amount of video  ram  that  is
          installed  on  the  graphics board.  This is measured in kBytes.
          In most cases this is  not  required  because  the  Xorg  server
          probes  the  graphics  board  to  determine  this quantity.  The
          driver-specific documentation should indicate when it  might  be

   BiosBase  baseaddress
          This optional entry specifies the base address of the video BIOS
          for the VGA board.  This address is normally auto-detected,  and
          should  only  be  specified if the driver-specific documentation
          recommends it.

   MemBase  baseaddress
          This optional entry specifies  the  memory  base  address  of  a
          graphics board's linear frame buffer.  This entry is not used by
          many drivers, and it should only be  specified  if  the  driver-
          specific documentation recommends it.

   IOBase  baseaddress
          This  optional  entry specifies the IO base address.  This entry
          is not used by many drivers, and it should only be specified  if
          the driver-specific documentation recommends it.

   ChipID  id
          This  optional  entry  specifies a numerical ID representing the
          chip type.  For PCI cards, it is usually the  device  ID.   This
          can be used to override the auto-detection, but that should only
          be done when the driver-specific documentation recommends it.

   ChipRev  rev
          This optional entry specifies the chip  revision  number.   This
          can be used to override the auto-detection, but that should only
          be done when the driver-specific documentation recommends it.

   MatchSeat  seat-id
          Only apply this Device section if  X  server  was  started  with
          -seat seat-id option.

   Option "ModeDebug" "boolean"
          Enable   printing  of  additional  debugging  information  about
          modesetting to the server log.

          Option flags may be specified in  the  Device  sections.   These
          include  driver-specific options and driver-independent options.
          The former are described in the  driver-specific  documentation.
          Some  of the latter are described below in the section about the
          Screen section, and they may also be included here.


   Nobody wants to say how this works.  Maybe nobody knows ...


   The config file may  have  multiple  Monitor  sections.   There  should
   normally  be  at  least  one, for the monitor being used, but a default
   configuration will be created when one isn't specified.

   Monitor sections have the following format:

       Section "Monitor"
           Identifier "name"

   The only mandatory entry in a Monitor section is the Identifier entry.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this  monitor.   The
   Monitor   section   may  be  used  to  provide  information  about  the
   specifications  of   the   monitor,   monitor-specific   Options,   and
   information about the video modes to use with the monitor.

   With  RandR  1.2-enabled  drivers,  monitor  sections  may  be  tied to
   specific outputs of the video card.   Using  the  name  of  the  output
   defined  by  the video driver plus the identifier of a monitor section,
   one associates a monitor section with an output by adding an option  to
   the Device section in the following format:

   Option "Monitor-outputname" "monitorsection"

   (for example, Option "Monitor-VGA" "VGA monitor" for a VGA output)

   In  the absence of specific association of monitor sections to outputs,
   if a monitor section is present the server will associate  it  with  an
   output    to    preserve   compatibility   for   previous   single-head

   Specifying video modes is optional because the server will use the  DDC
   or other information provided by the monitor to automatically configure
   the list of modes available.  When modes are  specified  explicitly  in
   the  Monitor  section  (with the Mode, ModeLine, or UseModes keywords),
   built-in modes with the same names are not  included.   Built-in  modes
   with different names are, however, still implicitly included, when they
   meet the requirements of the monitor.

   The entries that may be used in Monitor sections are described below.

   VendorName  "vendor"
          This optional entry specifies the monitor's manufacturer.

   ModelName  "model"
          This optional entry specifies the monitor's model.

   HorizSync  horizsync-range
          gives the range(s) of horizontal sync frequencies  supported  by
          the  monitor.   horizsync-range may be a comma separated list of
          either discrete values or ranges of values.  A range  of  values
          is two values separated by a dash.  By default the values are in
          units of kHz.  They may be specified in MHz or Hz if MHz  or  Hz
          is added to the end of the line.  The data given here is used by
          the Xorg server to determine  if  video  modes  are  within  the
          specifications  of  the  monitor.   This  information  should be
          available in the monitor's handbook.  If this entry is  omitted,
          a default range of 28-33kHz is used.

   VertRefresh  vertrefresh-range
          gives  the range(s) of vertical refresh frequencies supported by
          the monitor.  vertrefresh-range may be a comma separated list of
          either  discrete  values or ranges of values.  A range of values
          is two values separated by a dash.  By default the values are in
          units  of Hz.  They may be specified in MHz or kHz if MHz or kHz
          is added to the end of the line.  The data given here is used by
          the  Xorg  server  to  determine  if  video modes are within the
          specifications of  the  monitor.   This  information  should  be
          available  in the monitor's handbook.  If this entry is omitted,
          a default range of 43-72Hz is used.

   DisplaySize  width height
          This optional entry gives the width and height, in  millimetres,
          of  the  picture  area of the monitor.  If given this is used to
          calculate the horizontal and vertical pitch (DPI) of the screen.

   Gamma  gamma-value

   Gamma  red-gamma green-gamma blue-gamma
          This is an optional entry that can be used to specify the  gamma
          correction  for  the  monitor.   It may be specified as either a
          single value or as three separate RGB values.  The values should
          be  in  the  range 0.1 to 10.0, and the default is 1.0.  Not all
          drivers are capable of using this information.

   UseModes  "modesection-id"
          Include the set of modes listed  in  the  Modes  section  called
          modesection-id.   This  makes  all  of the modes defined in that
          section available for use by this monitor.

   Mode  "name"
          This is an optional multi-line entry that can be used to provide
          definitions for video modes for the monitor.  In most cases this
          isn't necessary because the built-in set of VESA standard  modes
          will  be  sufficient.  The Mode keyword indicates the start of a
          multi-line video mode  description.   The  mode  description  is
          terminated  with  the  EndMode  keyword.   The  mode description
          consists of the following entries:

          DotClock  clock
              is the dot (pixel) clock rate to be used for the mode.

          HTimings  hdisp hsyncstart hsyncend htotal
              specifies the horizontal timings for the mode.

          VTimings  vdisp vsyncstart vsyncend vtotal
              specifies the vertical timings for the mode.

          Flags  "flag" ...
              specifies an optional set of mode flags, each of which is  a
              separate  string  in  double  quotes.  "Interlace" indicates
              that the mode is interlaced.  "DoubleScan" indicates a  mode
              where  each  scanline is doubled.  "+HSync" and "-HSync" can
              be  used  to  select  the  polarity  of  the  HSync  signal.
              "+VSync"  and "-VSync" can be used to select the polarity of
              the VSync  signal.   "Composite"  can  be  used  to  specify
              composite   sync   on  hardware  where  this  is  supported.
              Additionally, on some hardware, "+CSync" and "-CSync" may be
              used to select the composite sync polarity.

          HSkew  hskew
              specifies  the  number  of pixels (towards the right edge of
              the screen) by which the display  enable  signal  is  to  be
              skewed.   Not all drivers use this information.  This option
              might  become  necessary  to  override  the  default   value
              supplied  by the server (if any).  “Roving” horizontal lines
              indicate this value needs to be increased.  If the last  few
              pixels on a scan line appear on the left of the screen, this
              value should be decreased.

          VScan  vscan
              specifies the number of times each scanline  is  painted  on
              the  screen.   Not all drivers use this information.  Values
              less than  1  are  treated  as  1,  which  is  the  default.
              Generally,  the  "DoubleScan"  Flag  mentioned above doubles
              this value.

   ModeLine  "name" mode-description
          This entry is a more compact version of the Mode entry,  and  it
          also  can  be used to specify video modes for the monitor.  This
          is a single line format for specifying  video  modes.   In  most
          cases  this  isn't  necessary  because  the built-in set of VESA
          standard modes will be sufficient.

          The mode-description is in four sections,  the  first  three  of
          which  are mandatory.  The first is the dot (pixel) clock.  This
          is a single number specifying the pixel clock rate for the  mode
          in MHz.  The second section is a list of four numbers specifying
          the  horizontal  timings.   These   numbers   are   the   hdisp,
          hsyncstart, hsyncend, and htotal values.  The third section is a
          list of four numbers specifying  the  vertical  timings.   These
          numbers  are the vdisp, vsyncstart, vsyncend, and vtotal values.
          The  final  section  is  a  list  of  flags   specifying   other
          characteristics  of the mode.  Interlace indicates that the mode
          is interlaced.  DoubleScan indicates a mode where each  scanline
          is  doubled.   +HSync  and  -HSync  can  be  used  to select the
          polarity of the HSync signal.  +VSync and -VSync can be used  to
          select  the polarity of the VSync signal.  Composite can be used
          to specify composite sync on hardware where this  is  supported.
          Additionally, on some hardware, +CSync and -CSync may be used to
          select the composite sync polarity.  The HSkew and VScan options
          mentioned  above  in the Mode entry description can also be used

   Option "DPMS" "bool"
          This option controls whether the server should enable  the  DPMS
          extension  for power management for this screen.  The default is
          to enable the extension.

   Option "SyncOnGreen" "bool"
          This option controls whether the video  card  should  drive  the
          sync  signal on the green color pin.  Not all cards support this
          option, and most monitors do not require  it.   The  default  is

   Option "Primary" "bool"
          This optional entry specifies that the monitor should be treated
          as the primary monitor. (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "PreferredMode" "name"
          This optional entry  specifies  a  mode  to  be  marked  as  the
          preferred  initial  mode  of the monitor.  (RandR 1.2-supporting
          drivers only)

   Option "ZoomModes" "name name ..."
          This optional entry specifies modes to be marked as zoom  modes.
          It  is  possible  to  switch  to  the next and previous mode via
          Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus  and  Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus.    All   these
          keypad  available  modes are selected from the screen mode list.
          This list is a copy of the  compatibility  output  monitor  mode
          list.   Since  this output is the output connected to the lowest
          dot-area monitor, as determined from its largest size mode, that
          monitor defines the available zoom modes.  (RandR 1.2-supporting
          drivers only)

   Option "Position" "x y"
          This optional entry specifies the position of the monitor within
          the X screen.  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "LeftOf" "output"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  that  the  monitor  should  be
          positioned to the left of the output (not monitor) of the  given
          name.  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "RightOf" "output"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  that  the  monitor  should  be
          positioned to the right of the output (not monitor) of the given
          name.  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "Above" "output"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  that  the  monitor  should  be
          positioned above the output (not monitor)  of  the  given  name.
          (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "Below" "output"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  that  the  monitor  should  be
          positioned below the output (not monitor)  of  the  given  name.
          (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "Enable" "bool"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  whether  the monitor should be
          turned on at startup.  By default, the server  will  attempt  to
          enable  all  connected  monitors.  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers

   Option "DefaultModes" "bool"
          This optional entry specifies  whether  the  server  should  add
          supported  default  modes  to  the list of modes offered on this
          monitor. By default, the server  will  add  default  modes;  you
          should  only disable this if you can guarantee that EDID will be
          available at all times, or if you have  added  custom  modelines
          which the server can use.  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "MinClock" "frequency"
          This  optional  entry  specifies  the minimum dot clock, in kHz,
          that is supported by the monitor.

   Option "MaxClock" "frequency"
          This optional entry specifies the maximum  dot  clock,  in  kHz,
          that is supported by the monitor.

   Option "Ignore" "bool"
          This optional entry specifies that the monitor should be ignored
          entirely, and not reported through RandR.  This is useful if the
          hardware  reports  the  presence  of  outputs  that don't exist.
          (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)

   Option "Rotate" "rotation"
          This optional entry specifies the initial rotation of the  given
          monitor.   Valid  values  for  rotation  are  "normal",  "left",
          "right", and "inverted".  (RandR 1.2-supporting drivers only)


   The config file may have  multiple  Modes  sections,  or  none.   These
   sections provide a way of defining sets of video modes independently of
   the Monitor sections.  Monitor sections  may  include  the  definitions
   provided  in  these  sections  by  using the UseModes keyword.  In most
   cases the Modes sections are not necessary because the built-in set  of
   VESA standard modes will be sufficient.

   Modes sections have the following format:

       Section "Modes"
           Identifier "name"

   The  Identifier  entry  specifies  the unique name for this set of mode
   descriptions.  The other entries permitted in Modes  sections  are  the
   Mode  and  ModeLine  entries  that  are  described above in the Monitor


   The config file may have multiple Screen sections.  There  must  be  at
   least  one,  for  the  “screen”  being used.  A “screen” represents the
   binding of a graphics device (Device section) and  a  monitor  (Monitor
   section).   A Screen section is considered “active” if it is referenced
   by an active ServerLayout  section  or  by  the  -screen  command  line
   option.  If neither of those is present, the first Screen section found
   in the config file is considered the active one.

   Screen sections have the following format:

       Section "Screen"
           Identifier "name"
           Device     "devid"
           GPUDevice  "devid"
           Monitor    "monid"
           SubSection "Display"

   The Identifier entry is mandatory.  All others are optional.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for  this  screen.   The
   Screen  section  provides  information  specific  to  the whole screen,
   including screen-specific Options.  In multi-head configurations, there
   will  be  multiple  active  Screen  sections,  one  for each head.  The
   entries available for this section are:

   Device  "device-id"
          This entry specifies the Device section  to  be  used  for  this
          screen.   When multiple graphics cards are present, this is what
          ties a specific card to a screen.  The device-id must match  the
          Identifier of a Device section in the config file.

   GPUDevice  "device-id"
          This  entry  specifies  the  Device  section  to  be  used  as a
          secondary GPU device for this screen.   When  multiple  graphics
          cards  are  present, this is what ties a specific secondary card
          to a screen.  The device-id  must  match  the  Identifier  of  a
          Device section in the config file. This can be specified up to 4
          times for a single screen.

   Monitor  "monitor-id"
          specifies which monitor description  is  to  be  used  for  this
          screen.    If  a  Monitor  name  is  not  specified,  a  default
          configuration is used.  Currently the default configuration  may
          not function as expected on all platforms.

   VideoAdaptor  "xv-id"
          specifies  an  optional  Xv video adaptor description to be used
          with this screen.

   DefaultDepth  depth
          specifies which color depth the server should  use  by  default.
          The -depth command line option can be used to override this.  If
          neither is specified, the default depth is driver-specific,  but
          in most cases is 8.

   DefaultFbBpp  bpp
          specifies  which  framebuffer  layout  to  use  by default.  The
          -fbbpp command line option can be used  to  override  this.   In
          most  cases  the  driver  will  chose the best default value for
          this.  The only case where there is even a choice in this  value
          is  for  depth 24, where some hardware supports both a packed 24
          bit framebuffer layout and a sparse 32 bit framebuffer layout.

   MatchSeat  seat-id
          Only apply this Screen section if  X  server  was  started  with
          -seat seat-id option.

          Various  Option  flags  may  be specified in the Screen section.
          Some  are  driver-specific  and  are  described  in  the  driver
          documentation.    Others   are   driver-independent,   and  will
          eventually be described here.

   Option "Accel"
          Enables 2D hardware acceleration.  This option is on by default,
          but  it may be necessary to turn it off if there are bugs in the
          driver.  There are many options to disable specific  accelerated
          operations, listed below.  Note that disabling an operation will
          have no effect if the operation is not accelerated (whether  due
          to lack of support in the hardware or in the driver).

   Option "InitPrimary" "boolean"
          Use  the  Int10  module to initialize the primary graphics card.
          Normally, only secondary cards are soft-booted using  the  Int10
          module,  as the primary card has already been initialized by the
          BIOS at boot time.  Default: false.

   Option "NoInt10" "boolean"
          Disables the Int10 module, a module that uses the int10 call  to
          the BIOS of the graphics card to initialize it.  Default: false.

   Each  Screen  section  may  optionally  contain  one  or  more  Display
   subsections.    Those   subsections   provide   depth/fbbpp    specific
   configuration  information,  and  the  one  chosen depends on the depth
   and/or fbbpp that is being used for the screen.  The Display subsection
   format is described in the section below.


   Each  Screen  section  may  have  multiple  Display  subsections.   The
   “active” Display subsection is the first that matches the depth  and/or
   fbbpp  values being used, or failing that, the first that has neither a
   depth or fbbpp value specified.  The Display subsections are  optional.
   When  there  isn't one that matches the depth and/or fbbpp values being
   used, all the parameters that can be specified here fall back to  their

   Display subsections have the following format:

           SubSection "Display"
               Depth  depth

   Depth  depth
          This entry specifies what colour depth the Display subsection is
          to be used for.  This entry is usually specified, but it may  be
          omitted to create a match-all Display subsection or when wishing
          to match only against the FbBpp parameter.  The range  of  depth
          values  that  are  allowed  depends on the driver.  Most drivers
          support 8, 15, 16 and 24.  Some also support  1  and/or  4,  and
          some  may support other values (like 30).  Note: depth means the
          number of bits in a pixel that are actually  used  to  determine
          the pixel colour.  32 is not a valid depth value.  Most hardware
          that uses 32 bits per pixel only uses 24 of  them  to  hold  the
          colour information, which means that the colour depth is 24, not

   FbBpp  bpp
          This  entry  specifies  the  framebuffer  format  this   Display
          subsection  is  to  be used for.  This entry is only needed when
          providing depth 24 configurations that allow a choice between  a
          24  bpp packed framebuffer format and a 32bpp sparse framebuffer
          format.  In most cases this entry should not be used.

   Weight  red-weight green-weight blue-weight
          This optional entry specifies the relative RGB weighting  to  be
          used  for  a  screen  is being used at depth 16 for drivers that
          allow multiple formats.  This may also  be  specified  from  the
          command line with the -weight option (see Xorg(1)).

   Virtual  xdim ydim
          This  optional  entry specifies the virtual screen resolution to
          be used.  xdim must be a multiple of either 8  or  16  for  most
          drivers,  and  a multiple of 32 when running in monochrome mode.
          The given value will be rounded down if this is  not  the  case.
          Video  modes  which are too large for the specified virtual size
          will be rejected.  If this entry is  not  present,  the  virtual
          screen resolution will be set to accommodate all the valid video
          modes  given  in  the  Modes   entry.    Some   drivers/hardware
          combinations  do  not  support  virtual  screens.   Refer to the
          appropriate driver-specific documentation for details.

   ViewPort  x0 y0
          This optional entry sets the upper left corner  of  the  initial
          display.    This  is  only  relevant  when  the  virtual  screen
          resolution is different from the resolution of the initial video
          mode.  If this entry is not given, then the initial display will
          be centered in the virtual display area.

   Modes  "mode-name" ...
          This optional entry specifies the list of video  modes  to  use.
          Each  mode-name  specified  must be in double quotes.  They must
          correspond to those specified or referenced in  the  appropriate
          Monitor  section  (including implicitly referenced built-in VESA
          standard modes).  The server will delete modes  from  this  list
          which  don't satisfy various requirements.  The first valid mode
          in this list will be the default display mode for startup.   The
          list  of  valid  modes  is  converted internally into a circular
          list.   It  is  possible  to  switch  to  the  next  mode   with
          Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus    and    to   the   previous   mode   with
          Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus.  When this entry is  omitted,  the  valid
          modes  referenced  by  the  appropriate  Monitor section will be
          used.  If the  Monitor  section  contains  no  modes,  then  the
          selection will be taken from the built-in VESA standard modes.

   Visual  "visual-name"
          This optional entry sets the default root visual type.  This may
          also be specified from the command line (see the Xserver(1)  man
          page).   The  visual types available for depth 8 are (default is


          The visual type available for the  depths  15,  16  and  24  are
          (default is TrueColor):


          Not all drivers support DirectColor at these depths.

          The  visual  types  available  for  the  depth 4 are (default is


          The visual type  available  for  the  depth  1  (monochrome)  is

   Black  red green blue
          This  optional  entry allows the “black” colour to be specified.
          This is only supported at depth 1.  The default is black.

   White  red green blue
          This optional entry allows the “white” colour to  be  specified.
          This is only supported at depth 1.  The default is white.

          Option flags may be specified in the Display subsections.  These
          may  include  driver-specific  options  and   driver-independent
          options.   The  former  are  described  in  the  driver-specific
          documentation.  Some of the latter are described  above  in  the
          section  about the Screen section, and they may also be included


   The config file may have multiple  ServerLayout  sections.   A  “server
   layout” represents the binding of one or more screens (Screen sections)
   and one or more input devices (InputDevice sections) to form a complete
   configuration.   In  multi-head  configurations,  it also specifies the
   relative layout of the heads.  A  ServerLayout  section  is  considered
   “active”  if  it is referenced by the -layout command line option or by
   an Option "DefaultServerLayout" entry in the ServerFlags  section  (the
   former  takes  precedence  over  the latter).  If those options are not
   used, the first ServerLayout  section  found  in  the  config  file  is
   considered  the  active  one.  If no ServerLayout sections are present,
   the single active screen  and  two  active  (core)  input  devices  are
   selected as described in the relevant sections above.

   ServerLayout sections have the following format:

       Section "ServerLayout"
           Identifier   "name"
           Screen       "screen-id"
           InputDevice  "idev-id"

   Each  ServerLayout  section  must have an Identifier entry and at least
   one Screen entry.

   The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this server  layout.
   The  ServerLayout  section  provides  information specific to the whole
   session, including session-specific Options.  The  ServerFlags  options
   (described  above)  may be specified here, and ones given here override
   those given in the ServerFlags section.

   The entries that may be used in this section are described here.

   Screen  screen-num "screen-id" position-information
          One of these entries must be given for each screen being used in
          a  session.  The screen-id field is mandatory, and specifies the
          Screen  section  being  referenced.   The  screen-num  field  is
          optional,  and  may  be  used  to  specify  the screen number in
          multi-head configurations.  When  this  field  is  omitted,  the
          screens  will  be numbered in the order that they are listed in.
          The numbering starts from  0,  and  must  be  consecutive.   The
          position-information  field  describes  the way multiple screens
          are positioned.  There are a number of different ways that  this
          information can be provided:

          x y

          Absolute  x y
              These  both specify that the upper left corner's coordinates
              are (x,y).  The Absolute keyword is  optional.   Some  older
              versions  of  XFree86  (4.2 and earlier) don't recognise the
              Absolute  keyword,  so  it's  safest  to  just  specify  the
              coordinates without it.

          RightOf   "screen-id"

          LeftOf    "screen-id"

          Above     "screen-id"

          Below     "screen-id"

          Relative  "screen-id" x y
              These give the screen's location relative to another screen.
              The first four position the screen immediately to the right,
              left,  above or below the other screen.  When positioning to
              the  right  or  left,  the  top  edges  are  aligned.   When
              positioning above or below, the left edges are aligned.  The
              Relative form specifies the offset of  the  screen's  origin
              (upper  left  corner)  relative  to  the  origin  of another

   InputDevice  "idev-id" "option" ...
          One of these entries should be given for each input device being
          used in a session.  Normally at least two are required, one each
          for the core pointer and keyboard devices.  If either  of  those
          is  missing, suitable InputDevice entries are searched for using
          the method described above  in  the  INPUTDEVICE  section.   The
          idev-id  field  is  mandatory,  and  specifies  the  name of the
          InputDevice section being referenced.   Multiple  option  fields
          may  be specified, each in double quotes.  The options permitted
          here are any that may also be given in the InputDevice sections.
          Normally  only  session-specific  input  device options would be
          used here.  The most commonly used options are:


          and the first two should normally be used to indicate  the  core
          pointer and core keyboard devices respectively.

   MatchSeat  seat-id
          Only  apply  this  ServerLayout  section if X server was started
          with -seat seat-id option.

          In addition to  the  following,  any  option  permitted  in  the
          ServerFlags  section  may also be specified here.  When the same
          option appears in both places, the value  given  here  overrides
          the one given in the ServerFlags section.

   Option "IsolateDevice"  "bus-id"
          Restrict  device  resets to the specified bus-id.  See the BusID
          option (described in DEVICE SECTION, above) for  the  format  of
          the  bus-id  parameter.   This  option  overrides SingleCard, if
          specified.  At present, only PCI devices can be isolated in this

   Option "SingleCard"  "boolean"
          As  IsolateDevice, except that the bus ID of the first device in
          the layout is used.

   Here is an  example  of  a  ServerLayout  section  for  a  dual  headed
   configuration with two mice:

       Section "ServerLayout"
           Identifier  "Layout 1"
           Screen      "MGA 1"
           Screen      "MGA 2" RightOf "MGA 1"
           InputDevice "Keyboard 1" "CoreKeyboard"
           InputDevice "Mouse 1"    "CorePointer"
           InputDevice "Mouse 2"    "SendCoreEvents"
           Option      "BlankTime"  "5"


   This  optional  section  is  used  to  provide some information for the
   Direct Rendering Infrastructure.  Details  about  the  format  of  this
   section can be found on-line at <http://dri.freedesktop.org/>.


   The  optional  Vendor  section  may  be used to provide vendor-specific
   configuration information.  Multiple Vendor sections  may  be  present,
   and  they  may  contain  an Identifier entry and multiple Option flags.
   The data therein is not used in this release.


   General: X(7), Xserver(1), Xorg(1), cvt(1), gtf(1).

   Not all modules or interfaces are available on all platforms.

   Display  drivers:  apm(4),  ati(4),  chips(4),   cirrus(4),   cyrix(4),
   fbdev(4),  glide(4),  glint(4),  i128(4),  i740(4), imstt(4), intel(4),
   mga(4),  neomagic(4),   nv(4),   openchrome(4),   r128(4),   radeon(4),
   rendition(4),    savage(4),   s3virge(4),   siliconmotion(4),   sis(4),
   sisusb(4),  sunbw2(4),  suncg14(4),  suncg3(4),  suncg6(4),  sunffb(4),
   sunleo(4),   suntcx(4),   tdfx(4),   trident(4),   tseng(4),   vesa(4),
   vmware(4), voodoo(4), wsfb(4), xgi(4), xgixp(4).

   Input drivers: acecad(4), citron(4), elographics(4), evdev(4), fpit(4),
   joystick(4),     kbd(4),    mousedrv(4),    mutouch(4),    penmount(4),
   synaptics(4), vmmouse(4), void(4), wacom(4).

   Other modules and interfaces: exa(4), fbdevhw(4), v4l(4).


   This   manual   page   was   largely   rewritten   by    David    Dawes
   <[email protected]>.


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