

   XkbChangeEnabledControls - Manipulates the EnabledControls control


   Bool  XkbChangeEnabledControls (Display *dpy, unsigned int device_spec,
          unsigned int mask, unsigned int values);


   - dpy  connection to X server

   - device_spec
           keyboard device to modify

   - mask 1 bit -> controls to enable / disable

   - values
          1 bit => enable, 0 bit => disable


   The EnabledControls control is a bit mask where each bit that is turned
   on  means  the  corresponding  control is enabled, and when turned off,
   disabled.  It  corresponds   to   the   enabled_ctrls   field   of   an
   XkbControlsRec  structure  (see  STRUCTURES). The bits describing which
   controls are turned on or off are defined in Table 1.

   Table 1 shows the actual values for the individual mask  bits  used  to
   select controls for modification and to enable and disable the control.
   Note that the same mask bit is used to specify general modifications to
   the parameters used to configure the control (which), and to enable and
   disable the control (enabled_ctrls). The anomalies  in  the  table  (no
   "ok"  in column) are for controls that have no configurable attributes;
   and for controls that are not boolean controls and therefore cannot  be
   enabled or disabled.

                           Table 1 Controls Mask Bits
   Mask Bit                 which or        enabled   Value
                            changed_ctrls   _ctrls
   XkbRepeatKeysMask        ok              ok        (1L<<0)
   XkbSlowKeysMask          ok              ok        (1L<<1)
   XkbBounceKeysMask        ok              ok        (1L<<2)
   XkbStickyKeysMask        ok              ok        (1L<<3)
   XkbMouseKeysMask         ok              ok        (1L<<4)
   XkbMouseKeysAccelMask    ok              ok        (1L<<5)
   XkbAccessXKeysMask       ok              ok        (1L<<6)
   XkbAccessXTimeoutMask    ok              ok        (1L<<7)
   XkbAccessXFeedbackMask   ok              ok        (1L<<8)
   XkbAudibleBellMask                       ok        (1L<<9)
   XkbOverlay1Mask                          ok        (1L<<10)
   XkbOverlay2Mask                          ok        (1L<<11)
   XkbIgnoreGroupLockMask                   ok        (1L<<12)
   XkbGroupsWrapMask        ok                        (1L<<27)
   XkbInternalModsMask      ok                        (1L<<28)
   XkbIgnoreLockModsMask    ok                        (1L<<29)
   XkbPerKeyRepeatMask      ok                        (1L<<30)
   XkbControlsEnabledMask   ok                        (1L<<31)
   XkbAccessXOptionsMask    ok              ok        (XkbStickyKeysMask |
   XkbAllBooleanCtrlsMask                   ok        (0x00001FFF)
   XkbAllControlsMask       ok                        (0xF8001FFF)

   The  mask  parameter  specifies  the  boolean controls to be enabled or
   disabled, and the  values  mask  specifies  the  new  state  for  those
   controls.  Valid  values  for  both  of  these  masks are composed of a
   bitwise inclusive OR of bits taken from the set of mask bits  in  Table
   1, using only those masks with "ok" in the enabled_ctrls column.

   If the X server does not support a compatible version of Xkb or the Xkb
   extension has not been properly  initialized,  XkbChangeEnabledControls
   returns  False;  otherwise,  it  sends  the request to the X server and
   returns True.

   Note  that  the  EnabledControls  control  only  enables  and  disables
   controls;  it  does  not  configure  them.  Some  controls, such as the
   AudibleBell control, have no configuration attributes and are therefore
   manipulated  solely  by  enabling  and disabling them. Others, however,
   have additional attributes to configure their  behavior.  For  example,
   the  RepeatControl control uses repeat_delay and repeat_interval fields
   to describe the timing behavior of keys that repeat. The  RepeatControl
   behavior   is   turned  on  or  off  depending  on  the  value  of  the
   XkbRepeatKeysMask bit, but you must use other means,  as  described  in
   this chapter, to configure its behavior in detail.


   True           The X server supports a compatible version of Xkb.

   False          The  X  server  does not support a compatible version of
                  Xkb  or  the  Xkb  extension  has  not   been   properly


   The XkbControlsRec structure is defined as follows:

       #define XkbMaxLegalKeyCode     255
       #define XkbPerKeyBitArraySize  ((XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1)/8)

       typedef struct {
           unsigned char   mk_dflt_btn;      / default button for keyboard driven mouse */
           unsigned char   num_groups;       / number of keyboard groups */
           unsigned char   groups_wrap;      / how to wrap out-of-bounds groups */
           XkbModsRec      internal;         / defines server internal modifiers */
           XkbModsRec      ignore_lock;      / modifiers to ignore when checking for grab */
           unsigned int    enabled_ctrls;    / 1 bit => corresponding boolean control enabled */
           unsigned short  repeat_delay;     / ms delay until first repeat */
           unsigned short  repeat_interval;  / ms delay between repeats */
           unsigned short  slow_keys_delay;  / ms minimum time key must be down to be ok */
           unsigned short  debounce_delay;   / ms delay before key reactivated */
           unsigned short  mk_delay;         / ms delay to second mouse motion event */
           unsigned short  mk_interval;      / ms delay between repeat mouse events */
           unsigned short  mk_time_to_max;   / # intervals until constant mouse move */
           unsigned short  mk_max_speed;     / multiplier for maximum mouse speed */
           short           mk_curve;         / determines mouse move curve type */
           unsigned short  ax_options;       / 1 bit => Access X option enabled */
           unsigned short  ax_timeout;       / seconds until Access X disabled */
           unsigned short  axt_opts_mask;    / 1 bit => options to reset on Access X timeout */
           unsigned short  axt_opts_values;  / 1 bit => turn option on, 0=> off */
           unsigned int    axt_ctrls_mask;   / which bits in enabled_ctrls to modify */
           unsigned int    axt_ctrls_values; / values for new bits in enabled_ctrls */
           unsigned char   per_key_repeat[XkbPerKeyBitArraySize];  / per key auto repeat */
        } XkbControlsRec, *XkbControlsPtr;


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