

     rinetd --- internet "redirection server"




     Version 0.62, 04/14/2003.


     rinetd redirects TCP connections from one IP address and port to another.
     rinetd is a single-process server which handles any number of connections
     to the address/port pairs specified in the file /etc/rinetd.conf.  Since
     rinetd runs as a single process using nonblocking I/O, it is able to
     redirect a large number of connections without a severe impact on the
     machine. This makes it practical to run TCP services on machines inside
     an IP masquerading firewall. rinetd does not redirect FTP, because FTP
     requires more than one socket.

     rinetd is typically launched at boot time, using the following syntax:


     The configuration file is found in the file /etc/rinetd.conf, unless
     another file is specified using the -c command line option.


     Most entries in the configuration file are forwarding rules. The format
     of a forwarding rule is as follows:

     bindaddress bindport connectaddress connectport

     For example: 80 80

     Would redirect all connections to port 80 of the "real" IP address, which could be a virtual interface, through rinetd to port
     80 of the address, which would typically be a machine on the
     inside of a firewall which has no direct routing to the outside world.

     Although responding on individual interfaces rather than on all
     interfaces is one of rinetd's primary features, sometimes it is
     preferable to respond on all IP addresses that belong to the server.  In
     this situation, the special IP address can be used. For example: 23 23

     Would redirect all connections to port 23, for all IP addresses assigned
     to the server. This is the default behavior for most other programs.

     Service names can be specified instead of port numbers. On most systems,
     service names are defined in the file /etc/services.

     Both IP addresses and hostnames are accepted for bindaddress and


     Configuration files can also contain allow and deny rules.

     Allow rules which appear before the first forwarding rule are applied
     globally: if at least one global allow rule exists, and the address of a
     new connection does not satisfy at least one of the global allow rules,
     that connection is immediately rejected, regardless of any other rules.

     Allow rules which appear after a specific forwarding rule apply to that
     forwarding rule only. If at least one allow rule exists for a particular
     forwarding rule, and the address of a new connection does not satisfy at
     least one of the allow rules for that forwarding rule, that connection is
     immediately rejected, regardless of any other rules.

     Deny rules which appear before the first forwarding rule are applied
     globally: if the address of a new connection satisfies any of the global
     deny rules, that connection is immediately rejected, regardless of any
     other rules.

     Deny rules which appear after a specific forwarding rule apply to that
     forwarding rule only. If the address of a new connection satisfies any of
     the deny rules for that forwarding rule, that connection is immediately
     rejected, regardless of any other rules.

     The format of an allow rule is as follows:

     allow pattern

     Patterns can contain the following characters: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
     9, . (period), ?, and *. The ? wildcard matches any one character. The *
     wildcard matches any number of characters, including zero.

     For example:

     allow 206.125.69.*

     This allow rule matches all IP addresses in the 206.125.69 class C

     Host names are NOT permitted in allow and deny rules. The performance
     cost of looking up IP addresses to find their corresponding names is
     prohibitive. Since rinetd is a single process server, all other
     connections would be forced to pause during the address lookup.


     rinetd is able to produce a log file in either of two formats: tab-
     delimited and web server-style "common log format."

     By default, rinetd does not produce a log file. To activate logging, add
     the following line to the configuration file:

     logfile log-file-location

     Example: logfile /var/log/rinetd.log

     By default, rinetd logs in a simple tab-delimited format containing the
     following information:

     Date and time

     Client address

     Listening host

     Listening port

     Forwarded-to host

     Forwarded-to port

     Bytes received from client

     Bytes sent to client

     Result message

     To activate web server-style "common log format" logging, add the
     following line to the configuration file:



     The -c command line option is used to specify an alternate configuration

     The -f command line option is used to run rinetd in the foreground,
     without forking to the background.

     The -h command line option produces a short help message.

     The -v command line option displays the version number.


     The kill -1 signal (SIGHUP) can be used to cause rinetd to reload its
     configuration file without interrupting existing connections.  Under
     Linux the process id is saved in the file /var/run/rinetd.pid to
     facilitate the kill -HUP. An alternate filename can be provided by using
     the <code>pidlogfile</code> configuration file option.


     rinetd redirects TCP connections only. There is no support for UDP.
     rinetd only redirects protocols which use a single TCP socket. This rules
     out FTP.


     The server redirected to is not able to identify the host the client
     really came from. This cannot be corrected; however, the log produced by
     rinetd provides a way to obtain this information. Under Unix, Sockets
     would theoretically lose data when closed with SO_LINGER turned off, but
     in Linux this is not the case (kernel source comments support this belief
     on my part). On non-Linux Unix platforms, alternate code which uses a
     different trick to work around blocking close() is provided, but this
     code is untested. The logging is inadequate.  The duration of each
     connection should be logged.


     Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc.
     This software is released for free use under the terms of the GNU Public
     License, version 2 or higher. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE


     See http://www.boutell.com/rinetd/ for the latest release.  Thomas
     Boutell can be reached by email: boutell@boutell.com


     Thanks are due to Bill Davidsen, Libor Pechachek, Sascha Ziemann, the
     Apache Group, and many others who have contributed advice and/or source
     code to this and other free software projects.


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