

   repquota - summarize quotas for a filesystem


   /usr/sbin/repquota [ -vspiug ] [ -c | -C ] [ -t | -n ] [ -F format-name
   ] filesystem...

   /usr/sbin/repquota [ -avtpsiug ] [ -c | -C ] [ -t | -n ] [  -F  format-
   name ]


   repquota  prints  a  summary  of  the  disc  usage  and  quotas for the
   specified file systems.  For each user the current number of files  and
   amount  of space (in kilobytes) is printed, along with any quota limits
   set with edquota(8) or setquota(8).   In  the  second  column  repquota
   prints  two  characters  marking  which limits are exceeded. If user is
   over his space  softlimit  or  reaches  his  space  hardlimit  in  case
   softlimit is unset, the first character is '+'. Otherwise the character
   printed is '-'. The second character denotes the state of  inode  usage

   repquota  has  to  translate  ids  of all users/groups to names (unless
   option -n was specified) so it may  take  a  while  to  print  all  the
   information.  To make translating as fast as possible repquota tries to
   detect (by reading /etc/nsswitch.conf) whether entries  are  stored  in
   standard  plain text file or in a database and either translates chunks
   of 1024  names  or  each  name  individually.  You  can  override  this
   autodetection by -c or -C options.


   -a, --all
          Report  on  all  filesystems  indicated in /etc/mtab to be read-
          write with quotas.

   -v, --verbose
          Report all quotas, even if there  is  no  usage.  Be  also  more
          verbose about quotafile information.

   -c, --cache
          Cache  entries to report and translate uids/gids to names in big
          chunks by scanning all users  (default).  This  is  good  (fast)
          behaviour when using /etc/passwd file.

   -C, --no-cache
          Translate individual entries. This is faster when you have users
          stored in database.

   -t, --truncate-names
          Truncate user/group names longer than 9 characters. This results
          in nicer output when there are such names.

   -n, --no-names
          Don't  resolve  UIDs/GIDs  to names. This can speedup printing a

   -s, --human-readable
          Try to report used space, number of used inodes  and  limits  in
          more appropriate units than the default ones.

   -p, --raw-grace
          When user is in grace period, report time in seconds since epoch
          when his grace time runs out (or has run out). Field is '0' when
          no  grace  time  is  in  effect.  This is especially useful when
          parsing output by a script.

   -i, --no-autofs
          Ignore mountpoints mounted by automounter.

   -F, --format=format-name
          Report quota for specified  format  (ie.  don't  perform  format
          autodetection).   Possible  format  names  are:  vfsold Original
          quota format with 16-bit UIDs / GIDs, vfsv0  Quota  format  with
          32-bit  UIDs  / GIDs, 64-bit space usage, 32-bit inode usage and
          limits, vfsv1 Quota format with 64-bit quota limits  and  usage,
          xfs (quota on XFS filesystem)

   -g, --group
          Report quotas for groups.

   -u, --user
          Report quotas for users. This is the default.

   -O, --output=format-name
          Output  quota  report  in the specified format.  Possible format
          names are: default The default  format,  optimized  for  console
          viewing csv Comma-separated values, a text file with the columns
          delimited by commas  xml  Output  is  XML  encoded,  useful  for
          processing with XSLT

   Only the super-user may view quotas which are not their own.


   aquota.user or
                       quota file at the filesystem root (version 2 quota,
                       non-XFS filesystems)
   quota.user or
                       quota file at the filesystem root (version 1 quota,
                       non-XFS filesystems)
   /etc/mtab           default filesystems
   /etc/passwd         default set of users
   /etc/group          default set of groups


   quota(1),    quotactl(2),    edquota(8),   quotacheck(8),   quotaon(8),
   quota_nld(8), setquota(8), warnquota(8)


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