

   mailbot - A MIME-aware autoresponder utility


   mailbot [options] {program} [arg...]

   In .mailfilter:

   if (/^Subject: *info/)
        cc "| mailbot -t /usr/share/autoresponse/info -d autoresponsedb \
               -A 'From: [email protected]' /usr/bin/sendmail -f ''"


   mailbot reads an E-mail message on standard input and creates an E-mail
   message replying to the original message's sender. A program is
   specified as an argument to mailbot after all of mailbot options.
   program is expected to read the created autoreply on its standard
   input, and mail it. If program is not specified, mailbot runs 'sendmail
   -f ""'.

   mailbot has several options for suppressing duplicate autoresponse
   messages. If mailbot chooses not to send an autoresponse, it quietly
   terminates without running program. The autoresponse is optionally
   formatted as a MIME delivery status notification.

   The text of the autoresponse is specified by the -t or the -m argument.
   Either one is required. Everything else is optional. The only exception
   is the -T replydraft option, which requires the -l option instead of
   either -t or -m. The default behavior is to send an autoresponse unless
   the original message has the "Precedence: junk" or the "Precedence:
   bulk" header, or the "Precedence: list" header, or the "List-ID:"
   header, or if its MIME content type is "multipart/report" (this is the
   MIME content type for delivery status notifications). The -M option
   formats the the autoresponse itself as a MIME delivery status


   -A "header: value"
       Add a header to the autoresponse. Multiple -A options are allowed.
       In most situations, the -A option must be used to set the "From:"
       header in the autogenerated response.

       Address the autoresponse to address, which must be an RFC 2822[1]
       address. By default mailbot takes the autoresponse address from the
       From: (or the Reply-To:) header in the original message.  -f, if
       present, overrides and explicitly sets the autoresponse address.
       "address" must immediately follow the -f option without an
       intervening space (it's a single command line argument). An -f
       option without an address takes the address from the SENDER
       environment variable.

   -t filename
       Read text autoresponse from filename, which must contain a plain
       text message in "flowed-text" format. In a "flowed-text"-formatted
       message, each line that ends with a space character indicates that
       the line logically flows into the next line. This allows the
       message to be reformatted for any shown display width.

           Messages in languages (see the -c option) which use spaces as
           word delimiters must have two spaces at the end of a flowed
           line. The last space on a flowed line is logically removed, and
           the first space separates the last word on the previous line
           from the first word on the next line. Otherwise, the two words
           will not have a logical space between them if they get
           repositioned as part of adjusting the message's width for

           Messages in ideographic languages that do not use spaces as
           word delimiters need only one space trailing a flowed line.

           The trailing whitespace has no visual impact when shown by
           software that does not implemented flowed text format, and
           always displays messages using their original width.

   -c charset
       Set the autoresponse's MIME character set to charset. Run mailbot
       without any arguments to see the default character set.

   -m filename
       Read a MIME autoresponse from filename. This is similar to the -t
       option, except that filename contains MIME headers, followed by a
       blank line, and the corresponding MIME content. The contents of
       filename are inserted in the autoresponse without further

       The specified file must contain the "Content-Type" header
       specifying the "text/plain" MIME type, with the "format=flowed",
       "delsp=yes", and the "charset" attributes, which override the -c
       parameter. If the specified file has a "Content-Transfer-Encoding"
       header it must be either "7bit" or "8bit", it may not be
       "quoted-printable".  mailbot always drops any existing
       "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header and always adds the
       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" header, even with the -m, since
       the salutation inserted into the message includes the sender's
       name, which may contain 8-bit characters. Example:

           Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; delsp=yes; charset="iso-8859-1"

           Mary had a little lamb,
           Its fleece was white as snow.
           And everywhere Mary went,
           The lamb was sure to go.

           When the -m option is specified mailbot ignores the locale's
           character set and formats the autoreply according to the
           character set read from the "Content-Type" header.

   -M address
       Format the autoresponse as a delivery status notification (RFC
       1894[2]).  address is an RFC 2822[1] E-mail address that generates
       the DSN. Note that the -A option should still be used in addition
       to -M in order to set the From: header on the autoresponse.  -M
       sets the DSN address only. The -M option automatically sets -T

   -R type
       Specify the feedback report type, with type set to abuse, fraud,
       other, or virus. Must be used together with "-T feedback" or "-T

   -T format
       Set the reply format.  format must be one of the following values:

       *   "reply" - the default reply format.

       *   "replyall" - like "reply", except also puts the recipients in
           the original message's "To:" and "Cc:" headers into the "Cc:"
           header of the generated reply.

       *   "replydsn" - like "reply", except the message is formatted as a
           delivery status notification.

       *   "replydraft" - like "reply", with the text of the autoresponse
           coming from a maildir specified by the -l option. See
           "Autoreplies from a maildir folder", below.

       *   "forward" - attach the original message as forwarded text.

       *   "forwardatt" - attach the original message as a forwarded
           message attachment.

       *   "feedback" - generate an Email Feedback Report message (see RFC
           5965[3]). The "-R" option is required when this is specified.

       *   "replyfeedback" - like "feedback", but also adds a "To:"
           header, addressed to the original message's sender.

       Do not quote the contents of the original message in the message
       created by "reply", "replyall", "replydsn", "feedback", and
       "replyfeedback" options.

           The original message gets quoted, in the absence of this
           option, only if the original message was formatted as plain
           text.  mailbot is unable to quote an original message which was
           formatted as HTML, or any other non-plaintext format.

           For "replydsn", "feedback", and "replyfeedback" options, the
           convention is to attach the original message, or only its
           headers, separately; so this option should always be specified
           for these three reply formats.

       Attach the entire message, for "replydsn", "feedback", and
       "replyfeedback", instead of only its headers.

       Generate a reply ("reply"-formats) to the address listed in any
       "Errors-To" or "Return-Path" header, if present, instead of the
       "From" header.

   -S "salutation"
       Use the given salutation in the "reply". The default value is "%F
       writes:". The following substitutions are recognized in the
       salutation string:

       *   %% - an explicit % character.

       *   %n - a newline character.

       *   %C - the "X-Newsgroup:" header from the original message.

       *   %N - the "Newsgroups:" header from the original message.

       *   %i - the "Message-ID:" header from the original message.

       *   %f - the original message's sender's address.

       *   %F - the original message's sender's name.

       *   %S - the "Subject:" header from the original message

       *   %d - the original message's date, in the local timezone.

       *   %{...}d - use strftime() to format the original message's date.
           A plain %d is equivalent to %{%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z}d.

       All other characters in the salutation string are left as is.

   -F "marker"
       When generating a forward, use the marker to separate the forwarded
       message from the autoreply text, instead of the default "---
       Forwarded message ---"

   -r addrlist
       addrlist is a comma-separated list of RFC 2822[1] E-mail addresses.
       mailbot sends an autoresponse only if the original message has at
       least one of the specified addresses in any To: or Cc: header.

   -d filename
       Create a small database, filename, that keeps track of senders'
       E-mail addresses, and prevent duplicate autoresponses going to the
       same address (suppress autoresponses going back to the same
       senders, for subsequent received messages). The -d option is only
       available if maildrop has GDBM/DB extensions enabled.

   -D x
       Do not send duplicate autoresponses (see the -d option) for at
       least x days (default: 1 day). The -d option creates a database of
       E-mail addresses and the times an autoresponse was last mailed to
       them. Another autoresponse to the same address will not be mailed
       until at least the amount of time specified by the -D option has

   -s "subject"
       Set the Subject: header on the autoresponse to subject.

       Show the resulting message, do not send it. Used for debugging

   --feedback-original-envelope-id "<envelopeid>",
   --feedback-original-mail-from "<mailfrom>",
   --feedback-reporting-mta "dns; hostname",
   --feedback-source-ip aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, --feedback-incidents n,
   --feedback-authentication-results "results",
   --feedback-original-rcpt-to "<rcptto>",
       Optional parameters to include in the feedback report generated by
       "feedback" and "replyfeedback".  mailbot always adds "Arrival-Date"
       with the current time, as well as "Version" and "User-Agent".

       "--feedback-authentication-results", "--feedback-original-rcpt-to"
       and "--feedback-reported-domain" may be specified more than once.

   -l maildir
       Specifies the maildir for the "-T replydraft" option. See
       "Autoreplies from a maildir folder", below.

   Autoreplies from a maildir folder
   In .mailfilter:

       cc "| mailbot -T replydraft -l './Maildir/.Vacation' \
               -d autoresponsedb \
               -A 'From: [email protected]' /usr/bin/sendmail -f ''"
       to "./Maildir"

   The -T replydraft reply format takes the content of the autoresponse
   from the most recent message in a maildir. The -l option specifies the
   maildir. The above example takes the message from $HOME/Maildir/.Drafts
   which should be a maildir (with the usual cur, new, and tmp
   subdirectories). It would typically get created by Courier-IMAP as a
   folder named "Vacation".

   This makes it possible to install autoreplies via an IMAP client by
   creating a folder named "Vacation", and copying a message into it. The
   contents of the message become the autoresponse.

   If the named maildir does not exist, or is empty, mailbot does nothing.
   If the named maildir has more than one message, the most recent message
   gets used.

   The above example uses additional mailbot options to suppress duplicate
   autoresponses, and to set the "From:" header on the autoresponse.


   maildrop(1)[4], reformail(1)[5], reformime(1)[6].


   Sam Varshavchik


    1. RFC 2822

    2. RFC 1894

    3. RFC 5965

    4. maildrop(1)

    5. reformail(1)

    6. reformime(1)


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