

   lsort - Sort the elements of a list


   lsort ?options? list


   This command sorts the elements of list, returning a new list in sorted
   order.  The implementation of the lsort  command  uses  the  merge-sort
   algorithm  which  is  a  stable  sort  that  has O(n log n) performance

   By default ASCII sorting is used with the result returned in increasing
   order.   However,  any of the following options may be specified before
   list  to  control  the  sorting  process  (unique   abbreviations   are

   -ascii              Use   string  comparison  with  Unicode  code-point
                       collation  order  (the  name   is   for   backward-
                       compatibility reasons.)  This is the default.

   -dictionary         Use  dictionary-style comparison.  This is the same
                       as -ascii except (a) case is ignored  except  as  a
                       tie-breaker and (b) if two strings contain embedded
                       numbers,  the  numbers  compare  as  integers,  not
                       characters.   For  example,  in  -dictionary  mode,
                       bigBoy sorts between bigbang and bigboy,  and  x10y
                       sorts between x9y and x11y.

   -integer            Convert  list  elements to integers and use integer

   -real               Convert list elements to floating-point values  and
                       use floating comparison.

   -command command    Use  command  as  a comparison command.  To compare
                       two elements, evaluate a Tcl script  consisting  of
                       command   with   the   two   elements  appended  as
                       additional arguments.  The script should return  an
                       integer  less  than, equal to, or greater than zero
                       if the first element is to be considered less than,
                       equal to, or greater than the second, respectively.

   -increasing         Sort  the list in increasing order ("smallest"items
                       first).  This is the default.

   -decreasing         Sort the list in decreasing  order  ("largest"items

   -indices            Return  a list of indices into list in sorted order 
                       instead of the values themselves.

   -index indexList    If this option is specified, each of  the  elements
                       of  list  must  itself  be  a  proper  Tcl sublist.
                       Instead of sorting based on whole  sublists,  lsort
                       will  extract  the  indexList'th  element from each
                       sublist  (as  if  the  overall  element   and   the 
                       indexList  were passed to lindex) and sort based on 
                       the given element.  For example,
                              lsort -integer -index 1 \
                                    {{First 24} {Second 18} {Third 30}}
                       returns {Second 18} {First 24} {Third 30}, and
                              lsort -index end-1 \
                                    {{a 1 e i} {b 2 3 f g} {c 4 5 6 d h}}
                       returns {c 4 5 6 d h} {a 1 e i} {b 2 3 f g}, and    
                              lsort -index {0 1} {                         
                                 {{b i g} 12345}                           
                                 {{d e m o} 34512}                         
                                 {{c o d e} 54321}                         
                       returns {{d e m o} 34512} {{b i g} 12345} {{c  o  d 
                       e}  54321}  (because  e  sorts before i which sorts 
                       before o.)  This option is much more efficient than
                       using -command to achieve the same effect.

                       Causes   comparisons  to  be  handled  in  a  case- 
                       insensitive manner.  Has no effect if combined with 
                       the -dictionary, -integer, or -real options.

   -unique             If this option is specified, then only the last set
                       of duplicate elements found in  the  list  will  be
                       retained.   Note  that  duplicates  are  determined
                       relative to the comparison used in the sort.   Thus
                       if  -index  0  is  used,  {1  a} and {1 b} would be
                       considered duplicates and only the second  element,
                       {1 b}, would be retained.


   The  options to lsort only control what sort of comparison is used, and
   do not necessarily constrain what the values themselves  actually  are.
   This  distinction  is  only  noticeable  when the list to be sorted has
   fewer than two elements.

   The lsort command is reentrant, meaning it is safe to use  as  part  of
   the implementation of a command used in the -command option.


   Sorting a list using ASCII sorting:
          % lsort {a10 B2 b1 a1 a2}
          B2 a1 a10 a2 b1

   Sorting a list using Dictionary sorting:
          % lsort -dictionary {a10 B2 b1 a1 a2}
          a1 a2 a10 b1 B2

   Sorting lists of integers:
          % lsort -integer {5 3 1 2 11 4}
          1 2 3 4 5 11
          % lsort -integer {1 2 0x5 7 0 4 -1}
          -1 0 1 2 4 0x5 7

   Sorting lists of floating-point numbers:
          % lsort -real {5 3 1 2 11 4}
          1 2 3 4 5 11
          % lsort -real {.5 0.07e1 0.4 6e-1}
          0.4 .5 6e-1 0.07e1

   Sorting using indices:
          % # Note the space character before the c
          % lsort {{a 5} { c 3} {b 4} {e 1} {d 2}}
          { c 3} {a 5} {b 4} {d 2} {e 1}
          % lsort -index 0 {{a 5} { c 3} {b 4} {e 1} {d 2}}
          {a 5} {b 4} { c 3} {d 2} {e 1}
          % lsort -index 1 {{a 5} { c 3} {b 4} {e 1} {d 2}}
          {e 1} {d 2} { c 3} {b 4} {a 5}

   Stripping duplicate values using sorting:
          % lsort -unique {a b c a b c a b c}
          a b c

   More complex sorting using a comparison function:
          % proc compare {a b} {
              set a0 [lindex $a 0]
              set b0 [lindex $b 0]
              if {$a0 < $b0} {
                  return -1
              } elseif {$a0 > $b0} {
                  return 1
              return [string compare [lindex $a 1] [lindex $b 1]]
          % lsort -command compare \
                  {{3 apple} {0x2 carrot} {1 dingo} {2 banana}}
          {1 dingo} {2 banana} {0x2 carrot} {3 apple}


   list(3tcl),  lappend(3tcl), lindex(3tcl), linsert(3tcl), llength(3tcl),
   lsearch(3tcl), lset(3tcl), lrange(3tcl), lreplace(3tcl)


   element, list, order, sort


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