

   ccon - Cluster administration tool


   ccon [-K <seconds>] [-q] [-c '<filename>'] [-C '<filename>'] [--debug
   [[...] || <INTEGER>]] [-d] [-e '<[user@]<host>[:port]>'] [-f '<font>']
   [-h] [-L '[tag]'] [-H] [-M '<STRING>'] [-p <port>] [-Q] [-s] [-r
   '<filename>'] [-t '<STRING>'] [-g] [-T '<title>'] [-u] [-?] [-A] [-v]


   The command opens an administration console and an xterm to all
   specified hosts.  Any text typed into the administration console is
   replicated to all windows.  All windows may also be typed into

   This tool is intended for (but not limited to) cluster administration
   where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node
   within the cluster.  Performing these commands all at once via this
   tool ensures all nodes are kept in sync.

   Connections are opened using console which must be correctly installed
   and configured.

   Extra caution should be taken when editing files as lines may not
   necessarily be in the same order;  assuming line 5 is the same across
   all servers and modifying that is dangerous.  It's better to search for
   the specific line to be changed and double-check all terminals are as
   expected before changes are committed.

   Further Notes
   Please also see "KNOWN BUGS".

   *   The dotted line on any sub-menu is a tear-off, i.e. click on it and
       the sub-menu is turned into its own window.

   *   Unchecking a hostname on the Hosts sub-menu will unplug the host
       from the cluster control window, so any text typed into the console
       is not sent to that host.  Re-selecting it will plug it back in.

   *   If your window manager menu bars are obscured by terminal windows
       see the "screen_reserve_XXXXX" options in the
       $HOME/.clusterssh/config file (see "FILES").

   *   If the terminals overlap too much see the "terminal_reserve_XXXXX"
       options in the $HOME/.clusterssh/config file (see "FILES").

   *   When using ClusterSSH on a large number of systems to connect to a
       single system using an SSH utility (e.g. you issue a command to to
       copy a file using scp from the remote computers to a single host)
       and when these connections require authentication (i.e. you are
       going to authenticate with a password), the sshd daemon at that
       location may refuse connections after the number "MaxStartups"
       limit in sshd_config is exceeded.  (If this value is not set, it
       defaults to 10).  This is expected behavior; sshd uses this
       mechanism to prevent DoS attacks from unauthenticated sources.
       Please tune sshd_config and reload the SSH daemon, or consider
       using the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys mechanism for authentication if
       you encounter this problem.

   *   If client windows fail to open, try running:

       "ccon -e {single host name}"

       This will test the mechanisms used to open windows to hosts.  This
       could be due to either the "-xrm" terminal option which enables
       "AllowSendEvents" (some terminals do not require this option, other
       terminals have another method for enabling it - see your terminal
       documentation) or the configuration of "console".


   Some of these options may also be defined within the configuration
   file.  Default options are shown as appropriate.

   --autoclose <seconds>, -K <seconds>
       Number of seconds to wait before closing finished terminal windows.

   --autoquit, -q
       Toggle automatically quitting after the last client window has
       closed (overriding the config file).

   --cluster-file '<filename>', -c '<filename>'
       Use supplied file as additional cluster file (see also "FILES").

   --config-file '<filename>', -C '<filename>'
       Use supplied file as additional configuration file (see also

   --debug [[...] || <INTEGER>]
       Enable debugging.  Either a level can be provided or the option can
       be repeated multiple times.  Maximum level is 4.

   --dump-config, -d
       Dump the current configuration in the same format used by the
       $HOME/.clusterssh/config file.

   --evaluate '<[user@]<host>[:port]>', -e '<[user@]<host>[:port]>'
       Display and evaluate the terminal and connection arguments to
       display any potential errors.  The <hostname> is required to aid
       the evaluation.

   --font '<font>', -f '<font>'
       Specify the font to use in the terminal windows. Use standard X
       font notation such as "5x8".

   --help, -h
       Show basic help text and exit

   --list '[tag]', -L '[tag]'
       List available cluster tags. Tag is optional.  If a tag is provided
       then hosts for that tag are listed.  NOTE: format of output changes
       when using "--quiet" or "-Q" option.

   --man, -H
       Show full help text (the man page) and exit

   --master '<STRING>', -M '<STRING>'
       The console client program polls master as the primary server,
       rather than the default set at compile time (typically

   --port <port>, -p <port>
       Specify an alternate port for connections.

   --quiet, -Q
       Do not output extra text when using some options

   --show-history, -s
       Show history within console window.

   --tag-file '<filename>', -r '<filename>'
       Use supplied file as additional tag file (see also "FILES")

   --term-args '<STRING>', -t '<STRING>'
       Specify arguments to be passed to terminals being used.

   --tile, -g
       Toggle window tiling (overriding the config file).

   --title '<title>', -T '<title>'
       Specify the initial part of the title used in the console and
       client windows.

   --unique-servers, -u
       Toggle connecting to each host only once when a hostname has been
       specified multiple times.

   --usage, -?
       Show synopsis and exit

   --use-all-a-records, -A
       If a hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses, toggle whether or
       not to connect to all of them, or just the first one (see also
       config file entry).

   --version, -v
       Show version information and exit


   The following arguments are supported:

   [user@]<hostname>[:port] ...
       Open an xterm to the given hostname and connect to the
       administration console.  The optional port number can be used if
       the server is not listening on the standard port.

   <tag> ...
       Open a series of xterms defined by <tag> in one of the
       supplementary configuration files (see "FILES").

       Note: specifying a username on a cluster tag will override any
       usernames defined in the cluster.


   The following key shortcuts are available within the console window,
   and all of them may be changed via the configuration files.

       Open the 'Add Host(s) or Cluster(s)' dialogue box.  Multiple host
       or cluster names can be entered, separated by spaces.

       Paste in the hostname part of the specific connection string to
       each client, minus any username or port, e.g.

       "scp /etc/hosts server:files/<Alt-n>.hosts"

       would replace the <Alt-n> with the client's name in each window.

       Paste in the hostname of the server cssh is being run on

       Quit the program and close all connections and windows.

       Retile all the client windows.

       Paste in the username for the connection


   Open up a session to 3 servers
       $ ccon server1 server2 server3

   Open up a session to a cluster of servers identified by the tag 'farm1'
   and give the controlling window a specific title, where the tag is
   defined in one of the default configuration files
       $ ccon -T 'Web Farm Cluster 1' farm1

   Connect to different servers using different login names.  NOTE: this
   can also be achieved by setting up appropriate options in the
   configuration files.  Do not close the console when the last terminal
       $ ccon user1@server1 admin@server2

   Open up a cluster defined in a non-default configuration file
       $ ccon -c $HOME/cssh.extra_clusters db_cluster

   Override the configured/default port to use 2022 instead
       $ ccon -p 2022 server1 server2


   /etc/clusters, $HOME/.clusterssh/clusters
       These files contain a list of tags to server names mappings.  When
       any name is used on the command line it is checked to see if it is
       a tag.  If it is a tag, then the tag is replaced with the list of
       servers.  The format is as follows:

       <tag> [user@]<server>[:port] [user@]<server>[:port] [...]


           # List of servers in live
           live admin1@server1 admin2@server2:2022 server3 server4

       All comments (marked by a #) and blank lines are ignored.  Tags may
       be nested, but be aware of using recursive tags as they are not
       checked for.

       Servers can be defined using expansion macros:

       "webservers websvr{a,b,c}"

       would be expanded to

       "webservers websvra websvrb websvrc"


       "webservers websvr{6..9}"

       would be expanded to

       "webservers websvr6 websvr7 websvr8 websvr9"

       Extra cluster files may also be specified either as an option on
       the command line (see "cluster-file") or in the user's
       $HOME/.clusterssh/config file (see "extra_cluster_file"
       configuration option).

       NOTE: the last tag read overwrites any pre-existing tag of that

       NOTE: there is a special cluster tag called "default" - any tags or
       hosts included within this tag will be automatically opened if
       nothing is specified on the command line.

   /etc/tags, $HOME/.clusterssh/tags
       Very similar to clusters files but the definition is reversed.  The
       format is:

       <host> <tag> [...]

       This allows one host to be specified as a member of a number of
       tags.  This format can be clearer than using clusters files.

       Extra tag files may be specified either as an option (see
       "tag-file") or within the user's $HOME/.clusterssh/config file (see
       "extra_tag_file" configuration option).

       NOTE: All tags are added together

   /etc/csshrc & $HOME/.clusterssh/config
       This file contains configuration overrides - the defaults are as
       marked.  Default options are overwritten first by the global file,
       and then by the user file.

       NOTE: values for entries do not need to be quoted unless it is
       required for passing arguments, e.g.

       "terminal_allow_send_events="-xrm '*.VT100.allowSendEvents:true'""

       should be written as

       "terminal_allow_send_events=-xrm '*.VT100.allowSendEvents:true'"

       auto_close = 5
           Close terminal window after this many seconds.  If set to 0
           will instead wait on input from the user in each window before
           closing. See also --autoclose and --no-autoclose

       auto_quit = 1
           Automatically quit after the last client window closes.  Set to
           0 to disable.  See also --autoquit

       comms = console
           Sets the default communication method (initially taken from the
           name of the program, but can be overridden here).

       console_position = <null>
           Set the initial position of the console - if empty then let the
           window manager decide.  Format is '+<x>+<y>', i.e. '+0+0' is
           top left hand corner of the screen, '+0-70' is bottom left hand
           side of screen (more or less).

       external_cluster_command = <null>
           Define the full path to an external command that can be used to
           resolve tags to host names.  This command can be written in any
           language.  The script must accept a list of tags to resolve and
           output a list of hosts (space separated on a single line).  Any
           tags that cannot be resolved should be returned unchanged.

           A non-0 exit code will be counted as an error, a warning will
           be printed and output ignored.

           If the external command is given a "-L" option it should output
           a list of tags (space separated on a single line) it can

       extra_cluster_file = <null>
           Define an extra cluster file in the format of /etc/clusters.
           Multiple files can be specified, separated by commas.  Both ~
           and $HOME are acceptable as a reference to the user's home
           directory, e.g.

           "extra_cluster_file = ~/clusters, $HOME/clus"

       extra_tag_file = <null>
           Define an extra tag file in the format of /etc/tags.  Multiple
           files can be specified, separated by commas.  Both ~ and $HOME
           are acceptable as a reference to the user's home directory,

           "extra_tag_file = ~/tags, $HOME/tags"

       key_addhost = Control-Shift-plus
           Default key sequence to open AddHost menu.  See "KEY SHORTCUTS"
           for more information.

       hide_menu = 0
           If set to 1, hide the menu bar (File, Hosts, Send, Help) in the

       key_clientname = Alt-n
           Default key sequence to send cssh client names to client.  See
           "KEY SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       key_localname = Alt-l
           Default key sequence to send hostname of local server to
           client.  See "KEY SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       key_paste = Control-v
           Default key sequence to paste text into the console window.
           See "KEY SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       key_quit = Control-q
           Default key sequence to quit the program (will terminate all
           open windows).  See "KEY SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       key_retilehosts = Alt-r
           Default key sequence to retile host windows.  See "KEY
           SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       key_username = Alt-u
           Default key sequence to send username to client.  See "KEY
           SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       macro_servername = %s
       macro_hostname = %h
       macro_username = %u
       macro_newline = %n
       macro_version = %v
           Change the replacement macro used when either using a 'Send'
           menu item, or when pasting text into the main console.

       macros_enabled = yes
           Enable or disable macro replacement.  Note: this affects all
           the "macro_*" variables above.

       max_addhost_menu_cluster_items = 6
           Maximum number of entries in the 'Add Host' menu cluster list
           before scrollbars are used

       max_host_menu_items = 30
           Maximum number of hosts to put into the host menu before
           starting a new column

       menu_host_autotearoff = 0
       menu_send_autotearoff = 0
           When set to non-0 will automatically tear-off the host or send
           menu at program start

       mouse_paste = Button-2 (middle mouse button)
           Default key sequence to paste text into the console window
           using the mouse.  See "KEY SHORTCUTS" for more information.

       rsh = /path/to/rsh
       ssh = /path/to/ssh
       telnet = /path/to/telnet
           Set the path to the specific binary to use for the
           communication method, else uses the first match found in $PATH

       rsh_args = <blank>
       ssh_args = "-x -o ConnectTimeout=10"
       telnet_args = <blank>
           Sets any arguments to be used with the communication method
           (defaults to ssh arguments).

           NOTE: The given defaults are based on OpenSSH, not commercial
           ssh software.

           NOTE: Any "generic" change to the method (e.g., specifying the
           ssh port to use) should be done in the medium's own config file
           (see "ssh_config" and $HOME/.ssh/config).

       screen_reserve_top = 0
       screen_reserve_bottom = 60
       screen_reserve_left = 0
       screen_reserve_right = 0
           Number of pixels from the screen's side to reserve when
           calculating screen geometry for tiling.  Setting this to
           something like 50 will help keep cssh from positioning windows
           over your window manager's menu bar if it draws one at that
           side of the screen.

       terminal = /path/to/xterm
           Path to the X-Windows terminal used for the client.

       terminal_args = <blank>
           Arguments to use when opening terminal windows.  Otherwise
           takes defaults from $HOME/.Xdefaults or $HOME/.Xresources file.

       terminal_chdir = 0
           When non-0, set the working directory for each terminal as per

       terminal_chdir_path = $HOME/.clusterssh/work/%s
           Path to use as working directory for each terminal when
           'terminal_chdir' is enabled.  The path provided is passed
           through the macro parser (see the section above on

       terminal_font = 6x13
           Font to use in the terminal windows.  Use standard X font

       terminal_reserve_top = 5
       terminal_reserve_bottom = 0
       terminal_reserve_left = 5
       terminal_reserve_right = 0
           Number of pixels from the terminal's side to reserve when
           calculating screen geometry for tiling.  Setting these will
           help keep cssh from positioning windows over your scroll and
           title bars or otherwise overlapping the windows too much.

       terminal_colorize = 1
           If set to 1 (the default), then "-bg" and "-fg" arguments will
           be added to the terminal invocation command-line.  The terminal
           will be colored in a pseudo-random way based on the host name;
           while the color of a terminal is not easily predicted, it will
           always be the same color for a given host name.  After a while,
           you will recognize hosts by their characteristic terminal

       terminal_bg_style = dark
           If set to "dark", the terminal background will be set to black
           and the foreground to the pseudo-random color.  If set to
           "light", then the foreground will be black and the background
           the pseudo-random color.  If terminal_colorize is "zero", then
           this option has no effect.

       terminal_size = 80x24
           Initial size of terminals to use. NOTE: the number of lines
           (24) will be decreased when resizing terminals for tiling, not
           the number of characters (80).

       terminal_title_opt = -T
           Option used with "terminal" to set the title of the window

       terminal_allow_send_events = -xrm '*.VT100.allowSendEvents:true'
           Option required by the terminal to allow XSendEvents to be

       title = cssh
           Title of windows to use for both the console and terminals.

       unmap_on_redraw = no
           Tell Tk to use the UnmapWindow request before redrawing
           terminal windows.  This defaults to "no" as it causes some
           problems with the FVWM window manager.  If you are experiencing
           problems with redraws, you can set it to "yes" to allow the
           window to be unmapped before it is repositioned.

       use_all_a_records = 0
           If a hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses, set to 1 to
           connect to all of them, not just the first one found.  See also

       use_hotkeys = 1
           Setting to 0 will disable all hotkeys.

       use_natural_sort = 0
           Windows will normally sort in alphabetical order, i.e.: host1,
           host11, host2.  Setting to this 1 will change the sort order,
           i.e.: host1, host2, host11. NOTE: You must have the perl module
           Sort::Naturally installed.

       user = $LOGNAME
           Sets the default user for running commands on clients.

       window_tiling = 1
           Perform window tiling (set to 0 to disable)

       window_tiling_direction = right
           Direction to tile windows, where "right" means starting top
           left and moving right and then down, and anything else means
           starting bottom right and moving left and then up

       NOTE: The key shortcut modifiers must be in the form "Control",
       "Alt" or "Shift", e.g. with the first letter capitalised and the
       rest lower case.  Keys may also be disabled individually by setting
       to the word "null".

       This (optional) file contains items to populate the send menu.  The
       default entry could be written as:

           <menu title="Use Macros">
           <menu title="Remote Hostname">
           <menu title="Local Hostname">
           <menu title="Username">
           <menu title="Test Text">
               <command>echo "ClusterSSH Version: %v%n</command>

       Submenus can also be specified as follows:

           <menu title="Default Entries">
             <menu title="Hostname">


       There is currently no strict format checking of this file.
       The format of the file may change in the future
       If the file exists, the default entry (Hostname) is not added

       The following replacement macros are available (note: these can be
       changed in the configuration file):

       %s  Hostname part of the specific connection string to each client,
           minus any username or port

       %u  Username part of the connection string to each client

       %h  Hostname of server where cssh is being run from

       %n  "RETURN" code

       NOTE: requires XML::Simple to be installed


   If you have any ideas about how to fix the below bugs, please get in
   touch and/or provide a patch.

   *   Swapping virtual desktops can cause a redraw of all the terminal
       windows.  This is due to a lack of distinction within Tk between
       switching desktops and minimising/maximising windows.  Until Tk can
       tell the difference between the two events, there is no fix (apart
       from rewriting everything directly in X).


   *   If you have issues running ccon, first try:

       "ccon -e [user@]<hostname>[:port]"

       This performs two tests to confirm cssh is able to work properly
       with the settings provided within the $HOME/.clusterssh/config file
       (or internal defaults).

       1.  Test the terminal window works with the options provided

       2.  Test console works to a host with the configured arguments

       Configuration options to watch for in ssh are

       SSH doesn't understand "-o ConnectTimeout=10" - remove the option
       from the $HOME/.clusterssh/config file
       OpenSSH-3.8 using untrusted ssh tunnels - use "-Y" instead of "-X"
       or use "ForwardX11Trusted yes" in $HOME/.ssh/ssh_config (if you
       change the default ssh options from "-x" to "-X")
   *   If you require support, please run the following commands and post
       it on the web site in the support/problems forum:

       "perl -V"

       "perl -MTk -e 'print $Tk::VERSION,$/'"

       "perl -MX11::Protocol -e 'print $X11::Protocol::VERSION,$/'"

       "cat /etc/csshrc $HOME/.clusterssh/config"

   *   Using the debug option (--debug) will turn on debugging output.
       Repeat the option to increase the amount of debug.  However, if
       possible please only use this option with one host at a time, e.g.
       "cssh --debug <host>" due to the amount of output produced (in both
       main and child windows).


   <>, "ssh", Tk::overview,
   X11::Protocol, "perl"


   A web site for comments, requests, bug reports and bug fixes/patches is
   available at: <>


   Duncan Ferguson, "<duncan_j_ferguson at>"


   Copyright 1999-2015 Duncan Ferguson.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

   See for more information.


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